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What to Watch Out for During Your Presentation’s Q&A

Preparation is crucial to any successful presentation. But even as you plan and rehearse as much as you can, there will come unscripted moments you never thought to prepare for. This is particularly true when the Q&A rolls in.

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Sure, you can prepare for questions that people will likely ask. But what about questions that come out of left field? How do you handle difficult questions or hostile comments? Morry Morgan of the School of Hard Knocks came up with a list of 5 different types of people you’ll encounter at a presentation Q&A. However, since these 5 types could end up overlapping in specific scenarios, we’ll list down the types of questions and comments that will leave you stumped instead.

To help you avoid a stressful Q&A, here are the types of difficult questions you’ll likely encounter:

1. The Backhanded Compliment

The Backhanded Compliment can be a question or a comment. On the surface, it might sound sincere and innocuous. But anyone who pays close attention will notice a certain edge to how it’s phrased. Most of the time, the backhanded compliment undermines all the effort you’ve put into preparing your presentation. While some constructive criticism can be helpful to broaden your discussion, these types of comments will always feel unwarranted and hostile.

How to Handle It: Your natural response is to be defensive. This will make you feel better, but it will only fuel the fire. The Backhanded Compliment will derail your Q&A into a fruitless argument. The best thing you can do is to ignore the hostility. You can say, “Thank you for your comments. I’ll keep them in mind for next time. Does anyone else have a question?”

2. The Non-Question Question

This type of question never seems to have a point. Either it repeats something you’ve already covered, or it states something particularly obvious. Based on Morgan’s list, the Non-Question is usually raised by people who are trying to show off in front of the crowd.

How to Handle It: As you should when faced with difficult questions in your Q&A, be polite and try not to lose your patience. Have the audience member elaborate their question further. You can say something like, “I’ve covered that point earlier. What do you specifically want to know about it?”

3. The Curve Ball Question

This question is raised to serve a single purpose: to leave you fumbling through your notes looking for the answer. It’s a question that catches you off guard because it was never part of the scope of your presentation.  Sometimes, it’s asked by people who are genuinely curious about something tangential to your discussion. But it can also come from those looking to see you mumble a thoughtless answer.

How to Handle It: When you’re suddenly faced with a Curve Ball during your Q&A, remind the audience of your scope and limitations. Tell them you only set out to answer specific aspects of a broader topic. Offer them an alternative channel where they can reach out to you after the presentation. You can say something along the lines of, “Given our limited time, I can’t cover every aspect of today’s topic. Email me your questions and I’ll try to address them more specifically.”

4. The Pop Quiz

The Pop Quiz isn’t just one question—it’s a series of very specific questions that will soon make you feel like you’re back in school again. They’re not necessarily hostile in nature. Most of the time, the Pop Quiz is addressed by someone very eager to hear what you have to say. In fact, the reason why they’re asking you so much is because your presentation caught their interest.

How to Handle It: To avoid feeling lost, prepare a notepad which you can use throughout the Q&A. When you’re faced with a Pop Quiz, take down the questions asked of you and repeat everyone before beginning to answer. “Thank you for your questions. Let me repeat each one and tell me if I got anything wrong.” This will give you more time to think about what you want to say.

5. The Close Up Question

Anyone asking this type of question has scrutinized every detail of your presentation. Morgan calls them “Critics”.  For some reason, they can remember every typo or mispronunciation you made. A Close Up isn’t so much a question, but a comment made to magnify your small mistakes.

How to Handle It: To avoid this scenario completely, check your slides and content before you have to face the audience. If there are errors you missed, own up to it. Thank the audience member for pointing it out and move on to the next question. Respond with something like, “Thank you for pointing out what I missed. You’ve been very observant and I appreciate that.” A quick answer should be enough.

6. The Long and Winding Question

As its name suggests, these queries take forever to be asked. Before you hear the actual question, it will recount points you’ve already made in your presentation.

How to Handle It: You’ll have limited time for Q&A, so try to interject as soon as you can. Politely interrupt and ask them to skip directly to their point. Wait for a slight pause and say something like, “I think I see where you’re getting at. What other details can I give you?”

The Q&A of any presentation can be quite challenging. Be prepared for whatever comes your way. With these tips, you can safely navigate through any difficult scenario.

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Quick Reminders for the PowerPoint Decks in Your Event

You were given the opportunity to organize and host an event that would gather the brightest minds in your industry. The speakers you invited will share innovative ideas with an audience eager to gain new insights. As always, they’ll be using presentation decks to illustrate their key points. To ensure that their presentations end successfully, it won’t be a bad idea to set up some reminders on how they should prepare their slides. Here are just a few tips you can share with them, via experts interviewed by Forbes:

From Jonathon Colman:

Use Big Text for a Big Impact

Guy Kawasaki’s famous 10/20/30 rule of presentation design tells us not to use any text that’s smaller than 30 points. That’s great advice, but when you need your text to pop, make it big—really big! Use type that’s over 100 points or even larger, depending on your typeface. See how I use different type sizes to make my messages stand out in this presentation.

Find a Theme, Carry it Through

A lot of speakers use photography to illustrate their ideas. So when everyone uses great photos, how can you make yours stand out and have an impact on your audience? I recommend choosing photos that all use a similar style, subject, or other theme in common. See how I made a presentation using only photos of apples—really!

From Rick Altman:

Avoid Death by PowerPoint by doing these three things

When you witness Death by PowerPoint, most of the time it is because a presenter makes these three things all the same. He wants to use his slides as handouts, he writes speeches on his slides, he reads them word for word…say+show+give = all the same.

But when presenter think about these three tenets separately, they begin to distinguish themselves from 99% of those giving presentations today. It becomes more work – you must speak without slide scripts, you must create slides and then separate handouts – but you will become so much better at each of the three tasks and your work will become more rewarding. And you give yourself an opportunity to create something extraordinary.

From Eddie Rice:

Your slides should be the supporting cast of your talk

Plan out what you will say before you create your slides and master that material before you start designing your slides. Your slides should be the “supporting cast” of your talk–not its main focus. The payoff comes in two ways: First, if something goes wrong with your presentation, you will still have a speech ready to give, and second, you be more confident as you give your talk because you will have already mastered its focus.

As we talked about in the past, a simple PowerPoint deck is the best way to give a memorable presentation. Encourage your speakers to move away from the text-heavy slides by telling them to keep their decks to roughly 10 slides. You can also suggest that they make use of different multimedia elements to emphasize key points. This will allow them to focus on their key points.



Fidelman, Mark. “20 World-Class Presentation Experts Share Their Top Tips.” Forbes. Accessed September 23, 2014.


Featured Image: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung via Flickr

Presentation Tips: How to Supercharge Your Monday Morning Meetings

The weekend has come and gone, and you’re faced with another Monday. As much as you love your job, it’s always a challenge to start a new work week with plenty of enthusiasm. It’s no wonder that “Rainy Days and Mondays” easily became a hit in 1971.

Perhaps, after a cup of coffee, you can easily plunge in to work mode. But the real challenge is getting through the dreaded Monday morning meetings. If you’re the one presenting, you’ll find yourself addressing a group of people longing to crawl back into their beds. To help, take note of these three presentation tips:

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Start with something fun

Stop people from dozing off by starting your presentation strong. Try to integrate an element of fun to get everyone excited. You can organize a quick activity, or try your hand at telling a few jokes. Be creative and try to come up with something that suits your topic and presentation delivery style. If you have to use slides for your meeting, don’t dim the lights until you’ve finished with the introduction. As we all know, a dark room is the perfect place for a nap.

Keep it quick and simple

A brief and concise presentation is always better for audience engagement, and it’s particularly crucial for Monday morning meetings. Give your audience a quick overview by outlining key points. Don’t let it drag out by focusing too much on the details. There’s plenty of time to tackle that during the rest of the week. For Monday meetings, you want to encourage your team to gear up and accomplish as much as they can. You can’t achieve that by overwhelming them with data.

Encourage dialogue and discussion

To get maximum engagement, you can also encourage the audience to take part in the discussion. Allow people to raise their points and concerns as you go along your presentation. With a non-linear structure, you can have a more organic conversation without disrupting the flow of ideas. Simply introduce the main points you want to discuss, and allow your conversation to navigate the direction of your presentation. You can make use of Prezi to create non-linear slide decks. You can also get a similar effect by using PowerPoint’s hyperlink function.
Give your audience the motivation they need for the rest of the work week. Make sure your Monday morning meetings are fueled with engaging and productive discussions.
READ MORE: Monday morning presentations – The Prezenter

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GIFDeck: Turn Your SlideShare Presentation into a GIF Animation

As we know, presentations can make great content marketing materials. And thanks to SlideShare, you can easily upload your decks online and gain a wider audience.

However, if you’ve been a longtime SlideShare user, you may have run into a small problem. While it’s easy to embed your entire presentation into a blog post or a web page, it’s harder to share them through Twitter or email without losing its visual quality. If you want to send an interesting SlideShare presentation to your friend via email, you’ll have to copy the link and they’ll have to open it themselves.

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That’s why it’s important to translate your deck into a GIF, where it can self-present to an audience that doesn’t have your physical presence to get information from. Here’s how you can create a presentation GIF:

This is where GIFDeck Comes in.

This new Internet tool allows you to turn any SlideShare presentation into a GIF animation. You can attach your GIF to emails, or post it directly on Twitter. Best of all, the website is pretty straightforward. You don’t have to go through several complicated steps in order to achieve the results you want.

To do this, simply paste the SlideShare URL of your choice and hit Submit.

Here’s one of the presentations on our SlideShare profile converted into GIF:

Looks cool? Visit GIFDeck and give it a try!

Some Helpful Tips

  • Click on the icon beside the Submit button to customize your GIF. But be wary that any adjustments you make can affect the size and quality of your animation.
  • For more readable slides, change the interval at around 2000 milliseconds or more. Again, keep in mind that doing this will give you a larger GIF file size. Try to find the perfect balance between readability and an optimal file size for sharing.
  • If your presentation is particularly long, convert only the first 10 or so slides. Use it as a little “teaser” to encourage readers to click and visit your link.


A program like GIFDeck can prove efficient when you don’t have the time to present your PowerPoint to your audience. However, this can also be a test of how well you can create a compact, self-presenting deck. At the same time, remember that a GIF may not always be the best vessel for  your presentation.

Your deck isn’t there to speak for you, but when the occasion calls for it, you may need a deck that presents your key points without need for further explanation.

Need the guidance of a professional in the field to help you out? Our SlideGenius experts are ready to cater to your presentation dilemma.

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Featured Image: Screencap from the GIFDeck website 

How to Prepare Your Talking Points for a Press Conference

A press conference is a perfect venue for anyone looking to leverage their brand. Since you’ll be addressing the media, you have the opportunity to reach an audience far wider than before. If you want to drum up anticipation over a new product or encourage people to attend an event you’re organizing, a press conference is the best way to promote your plans.

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To get the best mileage, your press conference should be led by a speaker who knows their material well and remains unfazed by a difficult question. As public speaking expert Lisa B. Marshall puts it, “if you get it wrong, you’ll end up with negative coverage or no coverage at all.” Follow these tips to make sure your talking points are clear, effective, and memorable:

1. Figure out your core message

What do you want people to remember? What message do you ultimately want to be covered and delivered by the press? As you would in any presentation, prepare your talking points by identifying your goals first. Figure out the core message you want publicized and promoted, then use it as a guide to outline the rest of your speech. Marshall suggests that you stick with something that’s “newsworthy and consistent with your brand.”

For a press conference announcing an upcoming lecture, your goal may be to introduce the topic of the lecture and the recognized speakers who will participate. For a company announcement, stick to one topic that will grab your target audience’s attention. If you’re announcing a new product or web application, focus on what’s new and why your audience will want it rather than re-hashing old products or past mistakes.

Everything you bring up during the press conference should contribute to the core message you’re trying to deliver. If that’s “we have an exciting new product coming out in the market soon,” make sure everything you say will allow the audience to see why that’s true and important for them. Following our example, you could give them an overview of the product, including a short discussion of its features.

2. Turn your message into a story

With your points laid out, it’s time to turn your speech into an engaging narrative. You won’t go far it all you have planned is to read out a list of, say, the technology used in your web app. No matter how innovative your new product is, you’ll have to create a connection using a technique known to work for any type of audience. As Marshall puts it,

Create the story you want to tell. It may be a customer story that explains the need for the product or service you offer. It may be a story of someone whose life has changed as a result of your work. Make it personal and relatable.

3. Integrate brand identity

To take your story further, it’s also important to include elements of your brand identity. Particularly, Marshall suggests making use of adjectives that you often use to describe your brand.

For an example, she cites how Apple commonly uses words like “innovative” and “next generation” whenever they announce or launch a new product. As you work on your talking points, think back to your brand story and make it a prominent point throughout the press conference.

4. Anticipate questions that might be asked

After you’ve perfected your speech, there’s one more thing you have to prepare for—answering the questions thrown at you by the press. Think of the questions they’ll likely ask and start practicing how to answer them. As always, make sure all your answers drive home your main message.

Keep referring back to your main point and your brand identity. If you can, try to have someone else from your team come up with their own set of questions. This will give you an opportunity to expound on points you might not have thought were particularly relevant.

5. Brace yourself for difficult questions

Regardless of all your preparation, there are things you won’t be able to control or predict. It won’t be unlikely that you’ll get a few questions that are difficult to handle. They could simply be about a topic you weren’t prepared to discuss, or they might even be hostile. Regardless of the situation, you have to maintain your composure throughout. Marshall suggests learning “bridging”:

You never want to evade questions, but you do have the flexibility to rephrase or modify questions and to answer them in a positive, confident manner. Your responses may, or may not, briefly address the question asked before bridging to your prepared message.

A press conference can easily be a success after some preparation. Craft your talking points carefully to ensure your message is delivered to the audience you want to reach.

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Marshall, Lisa. “10 Tips for Dynamic Press Conferences.” Quick and Dirty Tips. Accessed September 18, 2014.


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3 Presentation Delivery Tips that Will Easily Improve Your Skills

Because a lot of us are used to seeing subpar presentations, we tend to resign ourselves to delivering bad presentations as well. Luckily, there are three simple things that you can do to markedly improve your skills. These may seem obvious, but they can turn your lackluster presentations into engaging discussions.

Change your outlook towards presentation delivery by giving these three tips a try:

Talk to—not at—your audience

If your presentations aren’t turning out as you’ve imagined, it’s probably because you’re not engaging with your audience enough. They’ll listen to what you have to say if you make them feel like you’re both on the same level. These days, audiences appreciate being part of a conversation, as opposed to being lectured at.

Give your audience an opportunity to speak their mind by making use of some interactive presentation tools, and don’t underestimate the power of making eye contact.

Keep your points brief and exciting

No one wants to hear a litany of details that could very well be told in a brief summary. Your presentations can be 10 times more engaging if  you keep your points brief and straight to the point.

Not only will it make your points easier to follow and understand, a simple presentation can also leave you more room for to address specific questions coming from your audience.

Use your nerves to improve your skills

Feeling nervous about delivering a presentation is normal. But did you know that you can use your feelings of anxiety as fuel to improve your skills? The best way to rid yourself of presentation anxiety is by practicing your presentation as much as you can.

The more you practice, the more you have the chance to examine your performance and improve on parts where you feel like you could do better. Embrace your anxiety and use it to motivate yourself further.

The Takeaway

No one ever has a smooth-sailing presentation. Sometimes it takes some time to master your skills as a public speaker. But don’t give up. Even the best presentation experts have had their share of bad turns. Constantly strive to improve yourself and your skills, and you’ll get to the level you want to achieve.

What other presentation delivery tips would you share? What do you do to improve your performance? Give us a shout out through our social media profiles!


Featured Image: Ryan Dickey via Flickr

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Your 5-Step Plan to Prepare for an Online Meeting

What do you do when you have to plan projects with collaborators from all over the country? Thankfully, you won’t have to hop in and out of planes to meet in person.

All you have to do is set up an online meeting. With today’s technology, you can easily set up a platform where you and your contacts can communicate on the same page regardless of geography and time differences.

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Here’s a 5-step plan to help you prepare:

Find the perfect platform for your meeting.

There’s more to online meetings than just asking people to jump in on a Skype call. The first step is to choose the perfect platform to conduct your online meeting. There are plenty of websites that offer software optimized for a hassle-free way to connect with a large group. You can go to sites like ON24, AnyMeeting,, and GoToMeeting.

Explore the merits of each program before making a decision. You can also ask your contacts for their input. A few of them might already have an online meeting software installed.

Send out invitations right away.

Send out invitations as soon as possible, even if the date you’re eyeing is still weeks away. This will give everyone enough time to sort out their schedules.

In your invitation, include details about the online meeting platform you chose to use. This will allow first-time users the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the program.

Let everyone know the agenda before the scheduled date.

Plenty of factors can impede the success of online meetings, such as slow Internet connection or one of you may be experiencing problems with the software you all agreed to use.

To minimize distractions, make sure everyone is on the same page about what your discussion will be about. As the person leading the meeting, it’s your responsibility to send out the agenda a week before the scheduled date.

Plan how you’ll use the time you have.

As with the nature of business, it’s possible that the people in your group only somehow managed to squeeze in your presentation into their schedules. Respect their time by strictly following the schedule you agreed on.

If you can, try to wrap up your presentation 20 minutes before the time limit. This will give you and your collaborators enough time to have a meaningful conversation about the points you raised.

Create PowerPoint slides that are simple and concise.

Simple PowerPoint slides are important to any presentations. But for online meetings, they are practically a requirement. There is a strong possibility that some of your contacts might not have a steady connection.

PowerPoint files that are too large can easily weigh down Internet speed, so make sure you include only the most important points. Visuals are vital but try to compress your images before sharing your slides. If you want to incorporate a video, it’s best if you could just provide a link. Avoid any animations and slide transitions.

Follow these pointers to create ideal webinar PowerPoint slides, or contact our PowerPoint design experts.

You can also click here to learn more about using PowerPoint for online meetings.

These days, the boardroom isn’t the only venue for a meeting. With these tips, you can prepare an online meeting that will allow you and your collaborators to come up with fresh ideas. Don’t let distance stifle the flow of creativity and productivity.

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Why You’re Better Off With Concise PowerPoint Slides

If you’re not careful, your PowerPoint deck might end up doing more harm than good. Your slides should contribute to delivering your core message.

It should allow audience members to perfectly visualize your discussion. To get there, you need to cut out any distracting elements. The most effective way to deliver a presentation is to keep your deck simple and straight to the point.

Here’s why and how simple slides will work best for your presentation:

The Science of Simple PowerPoint Slides

According to research done by Dr. Christof Wecker, text-heavy slides negatively affect how much information is retained by an audience. In fact, he observed that it would be better to present with no visuals at all than to distract audiences with what he calls “regular slides.” Due to bad PowerPoint practices, regular slides contain too much text. Instead of being able to focus on the presenter’s explanation, the attention of the audience is now split between the keeping track of what they were hearing and what they were seeing.

The results indicate a “speech suppression effect” of regular slides at the expense of oral information (within and across conditions), which [can be explained] by dysfunctional allocation of attention….

The solution to this problem is through the use of concise slides. Dr. Wecker found that by simplifying content, presentations using PowerPoint slides offer the maximum retention of information.

It is concluded that theoretical approaches should account for the allocation of attention below the threshold of cognitive overload and its role for learning, and that a culture of presentations with concise slides should be established.

By trimming down your deck to the most basic points, the audience is able to avoid information overload. Simpler slides that focus more on illustrating key points allow viewers to process oral and visual information at the same time.

Presentation lesson: build a PowerPoint deck that’s straight to the point

To keep slides comprehensible and prevent them from taking any impact away from your presentations, try these useful tips:

  • Think about all the points you want to make before launching PowerPoint to create your slides. Create an outline of all your ideas and work on a storyboard to give yourself an opportunity to edit everything that seems excessive and unnecessary.
  • To minimize your use of words, try to illustrate your points using images instead.
  • Explore the different functions that PowerPoint has to offer. SmartArt can be a great way to compress information into graphics that people can easily follow.
  • Main points go on your slides. Explanatory details should be typed down in the Notes section, which you can refer to if you make use of the Presenter View.



Wecker, Christof. “Slide Presentations as Speech Suppressors: When and Why Learners Miss Oral Information.” Science Direct. Accessed September 17, 2014.


Featured Image: elPadawan via Flickr

4 Different Ways to Practice Your Presentation Skills

Presentations can be nerve-wracking for anyone. Even with relative experience, you’ll never be able to predict how things will turn out. You can’t ever be a hundred percent sure about how the audience will react. If you want to be ready for anything, you need to practice and perfect your presentation skills.

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These techniques are based on activities outlined by Gabrielle Jones, an ESP teacher who writes for The Business English Experience. Jones uses these activities to teach her class about presentation delivery. To do it at home or during your free time, start by setting up a camera and record yourself while practicing. You can use the footage to review what you said, noting all the areas that need improvement.

1. Practice structure and brevity

We’ve written about the importance of structure and brevity in presentations. Practice your ability to logically structure ideas by telling a story that you’re completely familiar with and do this within 10 minutes. In Jones’ class, she asked her students to introduce themselves one by one.

In your presentation, you can do the same thing by picking out the most important details about yourself and ordering them in a way that would be easy to follow.

For a real challenge, you can also try to recall your favorite book or movie. To relay the story in 10 minutes, you have to choose the details that are most crucial to the narrative—keep your story linear and avoid segues.

2. Practice transitioning from one idea to the next without losing sight of your main goal

When tackling a variety of topics, you need to know how to properly transition from one idea to the next. Practice your ability to sequence various ideas while keeping in line with your main goal. To do this, Jones asked her students to relay instructions describing a certain process.

A few of them described how to use gadgets like Google Glass while some talked about studying at university and filling up your car with gas. Choose a process you know well and try to describe it step by step. Use words like “first of all,” “then” and “finally” to help audiences keep track of the progression of your ideas.

3. Practice making an impact through rhythm and intonation

Adding variety to your speech allow audiences to distinguish the emotions and attitudes in your presentation. Avoid a monotone and deadpan delivery by practicing your rhythm and intonation. This is best done if you already have a presentation prepared.

You can also use a presentation you’ve delivered in the past or something you commonly give every now and then (like a sales pitch or a quick introductory seminar for new hires). Deliver your speech as you would in front of an audience. Give yourself time to pause in places that need a more dramatic effect.

Add feelings to your voice by changing up your intonation. Be mindful of what mood you’d like to express and experiment by reading your speech in several different ways.

4. Practice improvisation and responding to difficult questions

As we mentioned earlier, there’s no way of knowing how your presentation will turn out. Practice your ability to think on your feet by doing some improv exercises. Try some of the common techniques comedians and actors use.

Aside from improvisation, you should also practice how to navigate through difficult (and perhaps aggressive) questions. Do a quick Google search for an article on any topic that interests you.

After reading it, scroll down to the comments section and browse for one that you disagree with. Imagine that this was a comment in your own presentation. How would you answer it? To make things more challenging, look for comments posted by “trolls” and think of a way to handle the situation.

You can do these activities at once, or focus on the ones where you think you need the most help with.

Need more help improving your presentation skills? Download the Definitive Guide to Designing Presentations for Business. If you have your own tips and tricks to share, give us a shout out by clicking on our social media links

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Featured Image: Glen Wright via Flickr

PowerPoint Permissions: How to Protect Your Presentation Deck

After you finish delivering your presentation, you might find it necessary to share your deck with others. Perhaps you’ll have to send it over to audience members who asked for a copy of your slides. You might even want to share it online to gain a wider reach. When you do this, you will want to make sure your hard work won’t be edited or changed by anyone else. Through Permissions, PowerPoint allows you to protect your files from harmless editing to blatant plagiarism.

By default, PowerPoint allows anyone to open, change, and copy any part of your presentation deck. To change permissions, simply click on the File tab and head to Info.

powerpoint permissions

From there, you can choose four different ways to restrict permissions and protect your PowerPoint deck:

1.) Mark as Final

powerpoint permissions - mark as finalThis option will allow you to save your presentation deck as a read-only file, restricting access for those you plan to share it with. Use it to discourage others from editing your content. As its name suggests, it is the final copy of your presentation.

2.) Encrypt with Password

powerpoint permissions - encrypt with passwordUsing this option will allow you to assign a password for your presentation deck. This is crucial if your slides contain sensitive information that you’d want to keep confidential. Choose a password that is easy to remember, but difficult to crack.

3.) Restrict Permission by People

powerpoint permissions - restrict permissionWith this option, you will be able to grant specific people access to your presentation. You and the people you plan to share your file with should have a Microsoft account or a Windows Live ID. You will also need to install the Windows Rights Management to successfully restrict permissions. PowerPoint will automatically prompt you to sign up for an account if you don’t have one yet.

4.) Add a Digital Signature

powerpoint permissions - digital signatureYou will be able to establish the integrity and ownership of your presentation by adding an invisible digital signature to your PowerPoint file. You can use the information you have on your Microsoft account or create a digital ID from the device you’re currently using.


A lot of time and effort goes into creating an effective presentation deck. Secure your hard work by using the PowerPoint Permissions option that works best for you.


Featured Image: Mark Fischer via Flickr
