Slidegenius, Inc.

Dos and Don’ts of Pre-Seed Pitch Deck Creation

February 1, 2024 / Blog

Two people working at a desk with a laptop, tablet, and documents with graphs. One person holds a tablet and stylus, preparing a PowerPoint slide, while the other writes in a notebook. A disposable coffee cup is also on the desk. Both individuals are wearing long-sleeve tops.

As entrepreneurs navigate the challenging path of wooing potential investors, understanding the dos and don’ts of pre-seed pitch deck creation becomes paramount.

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Dos of Pre-Seed Pitch Deck Creation

Clarity and Conciseness

Crafting a pre-seed pitch deck demands a delicate balance between providing comprehensive information and maintaining clarity.

Investors often have limited time, and a convoluted message may result in lost opportunities. Entrepreneurs should focus on delivering a succinct narrative that communicates the problem, the solution, and the market opportunity.

Compelling Storytelling

Investors are not just interested in the features of your product or service; they want to understand the journey and the impact your solution can make.

Develop a narrative that resonates emotionally, emphasizing the problem your startup solves and the transformative potential of your solution.

Visual Appeal

Investors are inundated with pitch decks, and yours needs to stand out visually.

Utilize visuals such as charts, graphs, and images to make complex information digestible. Consistent branding and design not only make your pitch deck visually appealing but also convey a sense of professionalism.

Market Validation

Concrete evidence of market demand is a powerful persuader.

Include data points, user testimonials, and case studies to demonstrate that your product or service addresses a real need. Investors are more likely to commit if they see that others in the market are interested and satisfied.

Team Introduction

Investors invest in people as much as they invest in ideas.

Showcase your team’s strengths, expertise, and relevant experiences. Highlighting key achievements and demonstrating the cohesiveness of your team can instill confidence in potential investors.

Don’ts of Pre-Seed Pitch Deck Creation

Overwhelming Amount of Information

While it may be tempting to include every detail about your startup, resist the urge to overload your pitch deck with information.

Keep it focused and only present the most critical aspects. Investors should be able to grasp the essence of your business quickly.

Lack of Focus

A pitch deck should tell a coherent and concise story. Avoid going off on tangents or including information that doesn’t contribute to the main message.

Each slide should build upon the previous one, guiding the investor through a logical and compelling journey.

Unrealistic Financial Projections

Optimism is essential, but unrealistic financial projections can lead to skepticism. 

Ensure that your financial projections are grounded in market research and realistic assumptions. Transparency about your financial expectations builds trust with potential investors.

Ignoring the Competition

Acknowledging and addressing your competition head-on demonstrates a deep understanding of your market. Ignoring competitors can signal naivety or a lack of awareness.

Clearly define what sets your startup apart and why investors should choose your solution over others.

Neglecting the Ask

Clearly state your funding requirements and how the investment will be utilized. 

Failing to specify the ask can create confusion and result in missed opportunities. Be transparent about your financial needs and the milestones you plan to achieve with the funding.

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In the competitive startup fundraising landscape, a well-crafted pre-seed pitch deck is your ticket to capturing investor attention. By adhering to the dos and don’ts of pre-seed pitch deck creation, entrepreneurs can significantly enhance their chances of securing the funding needed to propel their ventures forward.