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Don’t Depend on Your PowerPoint Presentation Scripts

Have you ever seen a theater play where actors read their scripts onstage? Luckily, professional actors rehearse and deliver their lines naturally. The same goes for most public speakers.

Preparing a script isn’t a bad thing, but it can make your speech less effective.

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How can you fully engage your audience if you’re focused on reading a piece of paper or whatever’s projected onscreen?

In reality, great presenters write notes whenever they have speeches. This is to show that even professionals also rely on scripts to avoid getting lost in their topic.

Why You Shouldn’t Depend on Your Script

As a public speaker, your goal is to engage the audience. There’s nothing wrong with looking at your notes, but you can’t rely on them all the time or you may distance yourself from the crowd.

Scripts serve as your guide, but reading notes prevent you from connecting with your audience. Imagine yourself as an audience member whom the speaker doesn’t make any eye contact with. How would that feel?

Do your listeners a favor and connect emotionally with them with just a small glance here and there.

The Power of Your Brain

Writing down your script organizes your thought. Reading your script also lets you present ideas completely. Some presenters try to memorize their pitch so as not to depend on their notes.

There may be unexpected situations like corrupted files or technical problems before your PowerPoint presentation. That’s why you should rely more on how your brain works for you.

It’s still advisable to incorporate notes into your PowerPoint slides. However, being knowledgeable about your topic boosts your confidence to speak without looking or reading any guides.

According to Gallo (2010), you can make your speech more natural and conversational with these steps:

1. Write your notes in PowerPoint’s Notes section.

Construct your ideas to form four to five sentences. Don’t edit excessively. Just let your thoughts flow.

2. Emphasize the keyword from each sentence by highlighting it.

Practice by reading and familiarizing yourself with your script. Glance at the key words to remember them.

3. Remove unnecessary words from your notes.

Keep only the keywords as reminders.

4. Memorize the key idea in each slide.

Think of that one main point that you want your audience to recall.

5. Rehearse the whole presentation without notes.

Use your PowerPoint deck as your visual aid. Remember each significant idea behind your message.

Practice is still the best way to stop depending on your scripts. Using the above guidelines lets you speak naturally in front of your audience and focus on dealing with them.

Plan your PowerPoint presentation, pinpoint your main ideas, and practice, practice, practice —you’ll never have to glance at a note card ever again.

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3 Tips for Handling Unexpected Events During Presentations.” SlideGenius, Inc. 2015. Accessed May 29, 2015.
Gallo, Carmine. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience. New York. McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Presentation Tips: 5 Quick Steps to Audience Engagement.” SlideGenius, Inc. December 16, 2014. Accessed May 29, 2015.

Dress the Part: 5 Fashion Tips for Business Presentations

You only get one shot to make a first impression.

When all eyes are on you, you want to look presentable and professional in your audience’s eyes. Choosing the right attire engages your audience because it makes a statement about you and your purpose.

Here are important things you should consider when dressing up for that important event.

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Match the Situation

This is not the time for pulling off your personal fashion statement.

When deciding on an outfit for your business presentations, note its level of formality to decide where you should be on the casual-to-formal scale.

Keep any local customs in mind. You don’t want to be overdressed, but you also don’t want to offend by being underdressed.

Consider Your Audience’s Wardrobe

According to serial entrepreneur, Adam Toren, a little research always comes in handy in gauging how to dress in front of your audience. Always dress slightly better than the people you’re addressing.

If you’re delivering a presentation to executives, you can do no less than wear your best suit or finest dress. When speaking to a group in a casual setting, smart casual will do.

Just don’t overdo it or you’ll seem inept or out of touch with your audience.

Prioritize Comfort

Looking good is only the beginning. Conveying your message through body language is an important aspect of public speaking.

It’s hard to perform hand gestures or even stand when you’re wearing something uncomfortable.

How you dress affects how you’re perceived by your audience. To be an effective communicator, never compromise style over comfort so you can express yourself freely.

Avoid Bright Colors or Distracting Prints

The ball is always in the presenter’s court to keep the audience engaged. Your professional dress doesn’t have to be boring, but it also shouldn’t be distracting.

Don’t wear clothes with bright colors or distracting prints or logos.

Solid pastel colors are a safer bet over intricate patterns, especially when you’ll be recorded on video. Black and white is guaranteed to make you look professional without distracting your audience.

When worn well, simple clothes can make a better impact than flashy clothes.

Focus on the Fine Details

Closely inspect your clothes for even the smallest things like a missing button or a loose thread.

When presenting, a smaller group of people may notice it more quickly. A more intimate setting leaves you more open to close scrutiny.

Do one final check before leaving your room. Sometimes, you won’t notice a flaw until everyone else has.


First impressions last. The way you dress up takes up half of your presentation.

Take time to prepare your business attire and realize the unspoken language it delivers. Adapt to a mode of dressing that accentuates your style while recognizing its possibilities and limitations.


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Engage a Disinterested Audience Like a Presentation Expert.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 5, 2015. Accessed May 27, 2015.
Toren, Adam. “Professional Dress Doesn’t Have to Mean Boring.” Entrepreneur. March 06, 2014. Accessed May 27, 2015.

Advertisers’ PowerPoint Visual Design Tips: Calls to Action

Apart from using PowerPoint visuals to prove your point, you can also use them to make a compelling call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your pitch. After all, people are more compelled to buy what they can see.

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According to ad veteran Luke Sullivan, CTAs work so well because they rely on metaphors, a quick and powerful selling tool.

More than showing what the product is and what benefits it can offer, advertising agencies have used this as a quick and powerful way to communicate to customers.

How It Works

Most people learn by associating images with concepts, which is why we equate dogs to loyalty and red colors to extreme emotions.

Concepts convey your message in one picture so you don’t have to rely on copying and pasting text.

The Harvey Nichols clothing sale print ad showed an image of pelicans crowding around a piece of fish as a metaphor for how people flock to a sale.

This approach, as opposed to showing actual people crowding over one outfit, was a more creative way of emphasizing the kind of customer demand that their brand had.

Presenters can apply metaphors to PowerPoint visual design in the same way.

Once again citing Sullivan, is there a way to graphically represent your own product? Or can you offer a different perspective on a familiar concept, similar to how Volkswagen used a picture of King Kong in pain to describe their car’s durability?

A Compelling Truth

By using a metaphor to present familiar things in an unfamiliar way, problems can be presented to clients by paving the way for your solution.

UNICEF’s print ads presented the gravity of Chile’s education problem.

Three of these ads had criminals pose as teachers, with children as their students, a parody of the regular class picture setup.

Combined with the tagline “a child who learns is an adult who teaches,” the ads showed that children were brought up by criminals and needed proper education to break them out of that life.

An Invitation to Participate

Cleverly crafted visuals encourage reader involvement.

In his book, Cutting Edge Advertising, Jim Aitchison explains that since they rely on images and stereotypes that people have built up over the years, advertising agencies twist that message so the customer can make the connection for themselves.

For example, the Comedy Central ad let customers fold a page to create funny scenarios, giving them a sense of how funny the show really was, and that if they wanted more, all they had to do was find it.

A Presenter’s Advantage

This process continues as people grow. Building your own standards extends to choices and purchase decisions.

Using visual metaphors in your sales presentations aren’t limited to dated pop culture references, but also include visible archetypes, as with the Harvey Nichols ad, or police cars hiding in bushes, similar to the MINI Cooper ad.

Use relevant images and present them with a fresh perspective to get clients to invest in your proposal.

To get the best advantage for the visuals in your presentation deck, take some time to talk to the right presentation partners!

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Aitchison, J. (2004). Cutting Edge Advertising: How to Create the World’s Best Print for Brands in the 21st Century. Singapore; New York: Prentice Hall.
Always End Your Business Presentation with a Call-to-Action.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 27, 2015. Accessed May 28, 2015.
Sullivan, L. (2008). Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Great Ads (3rd Ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.
Where to Find Unique Images for Your Presentation Design.” SlideGenius, Inc. December 18, 2014. Accessed May 28, 2015.
Improve Your Presentations with the Power of the Metaphor.” SlideGenius, Inc.. November 17, 2014. Accessed. May 28, 2015.


Featured Image: “James Whitcomb Riley” from Wikimedia Commons

Make Your Sales Presentation a Spreadsheet-Free Zone

We’ve previously discussed how to include numbers in your sales presentation. Now, let’s concentrate on one of the points we made then: that spreadsheets shouldn’t be in your PowerPoint deck.

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Spreadsheets don’t belong in your slides because they show information without communicating meaningfully. According to keynote speaker, Dave Paradi, spreadsheets are inefficient and confusing communication tools, but these are great for analyzing numbers, doing calculations, and comparing numerical information.

Here are convincing reasons to never paste spreadsheets into your slides again:

Unnecessary Numbers

It’s easy to feel that you have to include all the numbers and statistics, especially given the amount of effort it takes to gather and interpret data.

Adding more than you need will always distract instead of inform.

Don’t saturate your slides with numbers. Keep it limited to the ones that directly contribute to the story or message you’re trying to tell.

You can remove 75% of all numbers in your presentation, and your overall message’s efficiency and appeal won’t suffer, meaning you can completely do away with a spreadsheet.

Replace the Sheets

Spreadsheets are an analytical tool, not a communication tool. They are the means to the end, not the other way around.

A farmer wouldn’t open selling his crops by bragging about his tractor.

A presenter shouldn’t rely on spreadsheets to tell his story.

Don’t show them the method. Show them the results and your interpretation of the data.

Use graphs to show trends and patterns over a period of time, charts to compare different numbers, and diagrams to illustrate processes and flows.


There’s little reason to use spreadsheets in your deck. Given there are alternatives to portraying and explaining numbers, turn your sales presentations into a spreadsheet-free zone.

Spreadsheets are a means to collect and interpret your data, not to organize and present your message. The next time you’re up to design a sales deck, avoid putting in an inappropriate tool that confuses instead of informs.

Need more help with your sales presentation? We have a team of presentation experts ready to assist. Call us for a free quote!

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“3 Secrets to Make Numbers Interesting in Sales Presentations.” SlideGenius, Inc. 2015. Accessed May 28, 2015.
“Eliminate 75% of the Numbers.” Think Outside The Slide. 2013. Accessed May 28, 2015.
How to Illustrate Data in Financial PowerPoint Presentations.” SlideGenius, Inc. 2014. Accessed May 28, 2015.
Spreadsheets Don’t Belong on Slides.” Think Outside The Slide. 2011. Accessed May 28, 2015.

Always End Your Business Presentations with a Call-to-Action

If an introduction piques the audience’s interest, a call-to-action turns possible leads into sales. Speakers usually focus more on creating a catchy introduction than a closing paragraph. Its role in converting audience interest into results is sometimes overlooked in business presentations.

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Your deck’s ending statement is your last chance to leave an impact. At its most effective, it can lead your audience into acting favorably. Done haphazardly, it can either confuse or leave them hanging.

Keep Your Message Concise and Consistent

Before creating a call-to-action, refer back to your slides. Make sure they’re unified and clearly reflecting your business presentation’s main goal.

Include hints in your earlier slides so your call-to-action better fits your presentation deck. This implies your deck is building up to something important.

Provide Materials for Concrete Action

Successful persuasion means giving your audience tools to rely on. Provide concrete information including your website, phone number, and email address.

A call-to-action must include your contact details or it misses the entire point. Even if you’ve convinced them, giving them no way to contact you results in wasted opportunities.

Design the Slide for Maximum Impact

Your call-to-action slide shouldn’t rely completely on your writing but should also be visually attractive and memorable. Draw your audience’s attention by using large font statements, preferably in boldface.

Maximizing the white space onscreen makes the text more legible and striking. The fewer distracting elements they see, the more likely they’ll properly focus on and digest your message.


Communication without results is wasted effort.

Ending your slide with “Thank You” is not a powerful way to finish your speech. Always insert an effective call-to-action to consistently get the results you need.

Looking for more information on designing an effective business presentation? Book a meeting with our presentation design experts. All it takes is fifteen minutes.

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4 Important Reasons to use WhitespaceSlideGenius. Vimeo.
Marketing Presentation Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients.” SlideGenius, Inc. 2014. Accessed May 27, 2015.
“Why Your Calls-to-Action Are SO Important.” White Hat Media. Accessed May 27, 2015.

Featured Image: With a Megaphone by a Wall by Garry Knight on flickr

Use AIDA for Persuasive PowerPoint Presentations

It doesn’t matter whether you’re walking down the street or surfing the web, you just can’t escape advertising.

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Have you noticed that certain ads stick to you, while the rest just falls into obscurity? You can thank AIDA for that.

Now, you, too, can use this time-tested method to streamline your flow, to maximize, and sustain audience engagement with persuasive PowerPoint presentations.

AIDA is a helpful acronym and method that advertisers use to get the most of their campaigns and marketing materials. It breaks down the stages of a viewer’s stages of comprehension: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. It’s a highly versatile advertising method, helping copywriters find the most effective words and helping designers create the most suitable images.


Start by explaining who you are and what you do. Then, make the crowd lean forward and listen intently by:

  • Presenting a thought-provoking scenario the crowd can relate with
  • Initiating the lecture with a thought-provoking statistic or question
  • Incorporating humor into a short anecdote


Once you have their eyes and ears, explain what you can specifically do for your audience.

State your FAB—Features, Advantages, and Benefits—to differentiate your product or service from your competitors’. Highlight the niche you want to occupy and emphasize how you’ll fill it.


Build on your listeners’ interest and develop a craving for what you’re offering by appealing to their emotions. Explain what they will gain from what you’re offering them. Make them feel that what you have is essential for improving their lives, or that it results in greater sales.


Now it’s time for your hard work to pay off.

Create a simple yet memorable call to action that persuades your listeners to come to your way of thinking. Include how they should proceed next. Remind them how they can contact you for more information, or how they can search for you if they have yet to decide.

Effectively communicating your message is the key to convincing your audience. However, putting all the information you have may not be enough to achieve this.

AIDA is a great method to maximize your time onstage and streamline your flow and delivery.

Next time you have an important opportunity, use this method to create a persuasive PowerPoint presentation that delivers optimal results.

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AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action: Inspiring Action with Your Writing.” Mind Tools. Accessed May 27, 2015.
AIDA.” Changing Minds. Accessed May 27, 2015.
Presentation Ideas from Ancient Greece: Pitching With Pathos.” SlideGenius, Inc. September 4, 2015.

Plan Ahead to Avoid PowerPointless Presentations

Forgetting to prepare can lead to unforeseen consequences during your actual pitch.

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Planning is the most crucial part of presentations. It requires careful topic-analysis, in-depth research and proper selection of visuals and content to successfully meet your audience’s expectations.

How Important is Planning Before Your Presentation?

“If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” – Harvey MacKay

People who carefully plan avoid failure, but it requires plenty of discipline. The same principle applies to presentations. Before crafting your pitch, you need a roadmap to guide you to your destination.

What’s your topic?

This is the most important part of the preparation process, whether it’s related to business, sales, or otherwise. Without this, you don’t have a solid idea to work from, and you can’t continue with the rest of your deck.

Determine the purpose of your presentation

If it’s difficult to choose ideas to focus on, write down what you want to achieve first to help you move forward and gather more information to support your statement. Do you want to persuade your audience? Do you want to teach them something.

Do your research

Planning starts and ends with research. It’s how you generate ideas: by getting information and building on that existing data with your personal take on things.

You need ample time to find appropriate research materials such as books, newspapers, and reliable websites.

In relation to the previous two points, knowing your specific subject and purpose keeps your research focused. This prevents you from wasting time figuring out what information to look for.

Find the big idea

Having too many ideas can be overwhelming, but focus on determining your core message. This makes driving your key points home way easier. Highlight the important points by making sure you mention them repeatedly.

Draft your presentation ahead of time

An unwieldy PowerPoint is your greatest enemy. Prevent this by controlling it from the start. Draft outlines on paper to construct your ideas’ flow. Condense each slide’s content and incorporate appropriate visual design so you don’t mislead your audience on what your main idea is.

Know what to place in each slide

Don’t let your deck distract the audience from your message. Heavily written statements and cluttered decks can divert people’s attentions. They’ll just read what’s written on each slide and won’t bother to listen to you. Instead, keep a few brief cue cards or notes for yourself that differ from the text on your slides. Remember: your slides are only a guide, not your speech itself.

Practice your pitch

The secret to excellence is that no one starts out perfect. Consistent practice and perseverance are what make up a good presenter

You don’t have to memorize your entire pitch. Just be prepared and knowledgeable enough to accommodate all possible questions that may arise after you’re done speaking. This will make you more comfortable when delivering your message.

Avoid confusing your audience by applying each of these steps when preparing for a pitch. In case you skip any of these tips, you can still go back and accomplish each stage more completely. Begin with careful planning to achieve better results. Put the point in your PowerPoint.

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3 Ways to Make PowerPoint Presentation Notes Your Ally.” SlideGenius, Inc. Accessed May 27, 2015.
Crafting Content: How to Conduct Presentation Research.” SlideGenius, Inc. Accessed May 27, 2015.
PowerPoint or PowerPointless: Designing Presentations That Engage.” Informa Insights. July 22, 2013. Accessed May 27, 2015.

Consistency: The Key to an Effective Sales Presentation

Consistency is one of the foundations of success. This principle’s importance, however, is often neglected, with people barely realizing the positive effects of being and staying consistent.

But what is consistency in a sales presentation?

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In today’s business scene, inconsistent PowerPoint presentations often overlook the little details. This leads to sales pitches that end up falling flat.

If you want to sell your product or service, an effective sales pitch calls for a consistently convincing deck in terms of visuals and content.

Why is Consistency Important?

Your PowerPoint is a visual aid, but that doesn’t mean it’s just there to look aesthetically pleasing. It’s your partner in getting your message across, so it’s important to dress it up in a way that complements your pitch. PowerPoint is your tool to emphasize and enhance certain points.

Ensure your deck’s overall content isn’t confusing by considering the texts and visual designs that you’ll be placing.

Consistency in Content

Maintain a single and uniform structure in your main points to show unity in your overall presentation.

Keep your writing style the same from the beginning to end, especially when enumerating important ideas. Watch out for spelling and grammatical errors in your content. Avoid typos to make your presentation look professional and credible.

Keeping an eye on tiny details like these indicate that you value your company’s image and integrity.

Consistency in Design

LogoYes founder, John Williams, enumerates the effects your choice of color has on your business. Make sure you use a consistent color palette so that everybody retains your company’s image.

That’s why companies like Coca-Cola only use specific colors instead of all the colors of the rainbow—it makes it easier to connect your product to a certain look. Incorporate images and backgrounds that have the same subset of colors. Select relevant and appropriate visuals that support your text and highlight your product’s important points.

You can repeat certain elements to help keep your deck consistent. For example, don’t jump from wavy lines in one slide to straight lines in another slide. When each slide looks like it came from the same company, your presentation looks well-crafted and well-designed.

Inconsistency negatively affects your overall presentation because your audience won’t know what you stand for. Who wants to invest in somebody who doesn’t even know what they really want to say? Staying consistent, not just in text but in visuals, helps keep your audience on the same page.

It keeps them from guessing whether you’re one company or another, especially since consistent visuals repeat certain elements, stamping them more effectively in clients’ minds. Know what you want to say and how you want to be perceived. Use consistent visuals for a more efficient and clear PowerPoint presentation.

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“Structuring a Presentation.” University of Leicester. Accessed May 26, 2015.
Williams, John. “Your Brand’s True Colors.” Entrepreneur. March 06, 2007. Accessed May 26, 2015.

Fix Design Annoyances for Great PowerPoint Presentations

Alienating your audience is a terrible way of getting through a presentation. As a presenter, you want to effectively communicate your message without annoying anyone.

In one of his “Annoying PowerPoint” surveys, David Paradi presented seven of the most annoying presentation mistakes involving content, delivery, and design.

Let’s discuss four of these bad habits and why they hinder you from making great PowerPoint presentations.

Small Text

Many people dislike small, hard-to-read text.

Your content may be great, but small text might hinder you from conveying your message. Imagine if somebody wrote you a note with extremely tiny text—would you even go through the effort of finding a tool to read it. You’d most likely just throw the note away.

This goes the same with PowerPoint slides. Make your slides noticeable to your audience.

Presentations are not white papers. Text shouldn’t be shrunk down to fit more content into each slide. Consider the eyesight of your audience when choosing a font size, preferably one that they can view from a comfortable distance.

Full-Length Sentences

If you were asked to read a slide full of run-on sentences, would you actually bother looking at it? The survey showed that 48.4% of respondents thought this was one of the biggest annoyances.

Compared to single words or phrases, people need more time to read complete sentences. Make it easier for them by using bullet points and keywords in your slides.

Overly Complex Diagrams

Every presenter has resorted to diagrams and charts to explain a process or concept at least once in their lives.

However, overly complex visual guides may actually make it more difficult for audiences to comprehend your point. According to the survey, 30.8% of participants hate hard-to-understand graphics.

Using diagrams isn’t a sin, but break them into sections so your thoughts aren’t cluttered. Visuals can bring life to your message, but with improper use, it can confuse audiences. Stick to simple figures when communicating complex ideas.

Poor Color Choice

Inconsistently using color throughout your deck can cause eye fatigue—25.8% of respondents cited poor color choice as one of the common pitfalls in slide design.

Choosing the right colors for your PowerPoint design is a must. Be extra careful when experimenting with color combinations.

People have different perspectives towards different palettes. When in doubt, use a dark color on a light background, or vice versa. Don’t use colors that are too similar to each other, as these are hard to distinguish, especially when projected.

Put a stop to bad presentation habits and optimize your deck. All it takes is a little extra care when designing your slides. Make sure your text is big enough to read from a distance. Use shorter phrases or single words instead of full sentences so that it’s easier for people to remember your message. Don’t overcomplicate things with complex diagrams.

Catch your audience’s interest and stay on top of the presentation game by improving the design elements of your PowerPoint slide.

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Latest Annoying PowerPoint Survey Results.” Think Outside the Slide. Accessed April 22, 2015.
The Art of Graphs and Charts.” SlideGenius, Inc. April 21, 2014. Accessed April 22, 2015.

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Featured Image: “You Suck at PowerPoint!” by Jesse Desjardins on SlideShare

PowerPoint FAQ: Five Common Slide Design Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask

You’ve probably read many articles about creating a good PowerPoint presentation. You may even have viewed a couple of them, either live or online. Maybe even  experienced using slides to present at work. In spite of what you know, it’s still possible that you have questions about designing a memorable and impressive PowerPoint. You just don’t ask them. Either you don’t know who to ask or you’d rather find the answer for yourself.  But asking questions is good. You’ll be surprised by what you’d learn if you seek the answers to your PowerPoint questions.

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Before your turn to present another PowerPoint comes up, whether for your colleagues or clients, here are five common questions about presentation design for you to consider. A number of these may be things that you’ve been meaning to ask for quite some time. That’s okay. You may also want to view this PowerPoint FAQ as some sort of technical review.

Let’s get started:

How many slides should my presentation have?

The number of slides that you can feature would depend on how much visual aid you need to support your topic. Many professional presenters swear by the 10/20/30 PowerPoint rule by venture capitalist and author Guy Kawasaki. It refers to using 10 slides within a 20-minute presentation, featuring fonts no smaller than 30 pt. This rule is especially useful if you’re pitching an idea to venture capitalists. With this rule, you categorize your slides as follows:

  • Problem
  • Solution
  • Business model
  • Underlying magic/technology
  • Marketing and sales
  • Competition
  • Team
  • Projections and milestones
  • Status and timeline
  • Summary and call-to-action

Should I include audio-visual elements to my presentation?

Yes, but you need to proceed with caution. Apart from the aesthetic aspect, you have to consider some technical matters such as playback problems. To keep the audio, video, and animation of your presentation from breaking up, save the corresponding files locally or to the USB drive you’re going to use.

How about slide transitions? Is it advisable to use them?

You may use slide transitions as long as you incorporate them carefully. Your transitions should reinforce the visual metaphor you’re trying to achieve or at least create a smooth flow between slides. Avoid using too many fancy transitions. Otherwise, your presentation will look amateurish and ridiculous.

What images should I include in my slides?

As with any other PowerPoint design element, the images you use should support your topic. Therefore, your presentation’s imagery would depend on your subject matter. Here’s one hint, though: People tend to connect with other people. So, as much as possible, add human elements such as faces, eyes, hands, etc. in your slides. Just make sure that the images are of high resolution and look professional, not some cheesy clip art that you Googled at the last minute.

Is there any presentation design trend that I should be aware about? Something to inform my own design?

It’s hard to pinpoint a particular trend since, like what we’ve already mentioned, there are other factors that come into play. For one, some design trends may not be applicable to your specific topic. But you may want to refer to this list for some ideas.

These questions may not be all-encompassing but it should help you get some ideas the next time you create a presentation, either on your own or with the help of a professional.

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