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Pantone’s Color of the Year and How You Can Use It for Business

Pantone calls itself “the world-renowned authority on color,” and perhaps rightfully so. The company has been in business since 1963, when its founder devised the Pantone Matching System, a standard scheme for identifying and communicating different shades and hues.

At the turn of the millennium, the company launched the project, “Color of the Year.” For seventeen years now, Pantone’s color forecasting has been a self-fulfilling prophecy. Different industries worldwide refer back to it when releasing new trends.

The Art of Color Forecasting

Although Pantone’s Color of the Year is widely anticipated and supported by a number of industries, the science behind it is still obscure. As Pantone senior vice president Ron Potesky said, “The complexity of the logic behind Color of the Year is greater than interior design or fashionit’s a forecast, a reflection of what’s happening in the world.”

The process of color forecasting is not a simple one, although it’s highly subjective in nature. For months on end, the Pantone team gathers what they call “proof points” from all over the world. They go to car shows, runways, decorator showcases, and other important events that define culture and lifestyle. They try to make sense of meaningful overlaps so they can distill the mood and state of the times into a single color.

Pantone’s yearly selection serves no direct purpose to the consumer world, but its influence can be observed in many sectors. Owing to its longevity and the power of social media, the project has reinvented itself as an authority in color trend selection.

If you’re into the colors game, check out this infographic about Greenery, Pantone’s 2017 Color of the Year.

Colors and business always go hand in hand. The consumer world is about trust and persuasion, and it’s hard to accomplish either or both if your brand is portrayed in a dull and dismal way. Choose a vibrant and fresh palette this yearone that includes Greenery, perhapsand you might just see your customers showing more interest in your business.

Back up your skills with a well-designed PowerPoint presentation by letting our team to assist and offer you a free quote!


Beals, Rachel Koning. “Nature and New Beginnings Inform Pantone’s 2017 Color of the Year: Greenery.” Market Watch. December 8, 2015.

Budds, Diana. “Pantone’s New Color of the Year Is Weird and Perfect.” Facto Design. December 8, 2016.

Friedman, Vanessa. “Color of 2017? Pantone Picks a Spring Shade.” New York Times. December 8, 2016.

Hazzard, Tracy Leigh. “Why Pantone’s Color of 2017 Matters to Your Business.” Inc. December 9, 2016.

Hua, Karen. “Pantone’s Color of the Year 2017 Is Inspired by Nature and Influences Design.” Forbes. December 9, 2016.

Pasquarelli, Adrianne. “How Pantone Picks Its Color of the Year.” Advertising Age. December 22, 2015.

Stewart, Jude. “Pantone’s 2017 Color of the Year: Greenery!” Print Mag. December 8, 2016.

Stock, Kyle. “How Pantone Is Still Turning Color into Money.” Bloomberg. August 27, 2015.

Weiss, Dyanne. “Does Pantone’s Color of the Year Influence Marketing?” Chron. n.d.

“Color Can Influence Emotions in a Way that Few Other Mediums Can.” Digital Skratch. n.d.

“Color Psychology: How Does Color Affect Us?” Pantone. n.d.

“Color Psychology: The Emotional Effects of Colors.” Art Therapy. n.d.

“Introducing Greenery.” Pantone. n.d.

“Shinrin Yoku.” Shinrin Yoku. n.d.

Looking for creative presentations that can leverage your business? Enjoy free PowerPoint templates from SlideStore! Sign up today.

Match Your Market: Knowing the Right Social Network for Your Business

Social media has become essential for entrepreneurs. Apart from allowing them to connect with clients and customers, it has also become a tool in expanding target markets and promoting a product or service. According to research, 96 percent of business owners use social media marketing, and 92 percent of those agree with the phrase, “Social media marketing is important for my business.” True enough, the form took the business industry by storm.

Using social media, however, isn’t as simple as posting a photo, video, or status update. It takes effort, especially for businesses that wish to target a specific audience and run a special campaign. Many steps are involved in creating a strategy for this kind of communication, including building your audience, determining competition, and, one of the most challenging, choosing a platform to host the tactic.

Through the emerging years of social, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have proven their worth in reaching global markets. Facebook remains as the most used application, while every second, 6,000 tweets are delivered worldwide. These statistics do sound effective for a marketing strategy, but are they right for your business? Identify the ideal social media platform for your business with the infographic below.

Deciding on a social media network can be hard, especially for first-time marketers. Put the above-mentioned tips in mind and gradually build the attention and credibility your business deserves.

Whichever platform you choose, remember to use social media as a source of two-way communication with your audience. Posting content online won’t be effective without knowing how to interact with customers and clients alike. Use it as a bridge to many opportunities that can lead your business to major marketing success. Post with an objective and make sure to target the audience you would want to reach long-term.


Pick, Tom. “47 Superb Social Media Marketing Stats and Facts.” Business2Community. January 19, 2016.

De Mers, Jayson. “The Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing.” Forbes. August 11, 2014.

Edgecomb, Carolyn. “Social Media Marketing: The Importance of a Two-Way Conversation.” Impact. June 7, 2013.

Your Business Checklist: What Should I Be Prioritizing?

Before you started your business, one of the advices you have most likely heard is, “Know your priorities.” Even when growing up, adults would tell you the same thing. Wow, were they right.

Knowing what your priorities are and setting them straight are more or less expected of you. Moreover, on a personal level, this is a testament of your excellence and character.

In many ways, the same standards are applied to a business. You as the founder should know which tenet of your business to grow or improve upon. If you can get opinions and suggestions from other experts, then all the better because you could make an informed decision.

These priorities become your responsibilities—goals toward a greater end. So you should make them work for you, and in turn, you should work hard for them.

Have you identified what you need to work upon and what you need to do first? If you haven’t, this infographic has suggestions on what to prioritize. Check it out below.

What most thriving entrepreneurs forget, or worse ignore, is the caveat. Don’t bite off more than you could chew. There’s nothing more frustrating and time-consuming than having multiple priorities at once, having different sections of your company working towards different goals without utilizing each unit’s strengths and skill. Everything may fall apart piece by piece—or worse, all at the same time.

Exercise patience when it comes to multitasking. Slow and steady win the race. Don’t put yourself in a position of, at the worst, bankruptcy because of too much work.

There are balances when you started your business; more so now that you’re sailing at the helm of your enterprise, keeping your ship afloat. If you don’t want it to sink, be smart. Be cunning. Be confident.

For more infographics on presentation, design, marketing, and business, head on to our SlideShare account. See you there!

Display a Live Twitter Feed in PowerPoint 2016

Adding a live Twitter feed in your PowerPoint is one of the many ways to make your presentation more engaging. Fortunately, only a few presenters know how to insert a website in their presentation, which is why using this feature gives you the opportunity to take advantage of your listeners’ curiosity and make a good, lasting impression.

Apart from spicing up your presentation by making it interesting and more interactive, having a live Twitter feed lets you expand your ideas as you deliver your speech. You can show it during the first part of your presentation to encourage the audience to tweet about your talk, or with the help of a hashtag, put it at the end of your speech to show them the live tweets of the event.

To get a clear picture of how to successfully add a live Twitter feed in your presentation, here’s an infographic that will give you a step-by-step tutorial using PowerPoint 2016.

Your Presentation Cheat Sheet: Top 10 Tips for 2016 [Infographic]

With the new year fast approaching, reflecting on the past year is a common end-of-year ritual.

We’ve been through some ups and downs this year and no doubt we learned a lot of lessons from our experiences. There are some things that are better left behind, and bad presentation habits are certainly one of them.

Let’s take this opportunity to start anew and embrace good presentation techniques.

The Best Tips for 2016

PowerPoint design has always been an essential element in presentations. Step out from your comfort zone this year and welcome the idea of improving your design skills. Pay attention to the images you pick and the amount of text that you write on your slide, since they all factor into the design process.

Of course, a professional deck is incomplete without great presentation delivery. Make sure to cure those bad speaking habits to avoid ruining your performance. You’re the center of the presentation, so invest time in boosting your likeability as a speaker.

Likewise, preparation is key to communicating your message without a hitch. Learn breathing and relaxation techniques to help quiet your mind and focus on your task. When you put yourself first, the audience will take notice of your confidence. Make sure that you master your topic like the back of your hand.

A Quick Guide Just For You

It’s out with the old and in with the new. We understand that all of these tips may be a lot to remember for that big day. To help you out, our PowerPoint presentation experts have prepared a quick guide to help you out when you need it. This infographic condenses the best tips in to help you the next time you’re onstage.

Welcome 2016 with better and stronger speaking skills with the help of our presentation cheat sheet:

Hidden Presentation Giant: Macy’s 89th Thanksgiving Parade [Infographic]

The colossal balloons suspended in the air bring out everyone’s inner child during Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. It’s impossible not to feel excited when you see these balloons hovering several stories tall. They command attention on the streets and captivate imaginations everywhere. The spirit of celebration comes alive on this day through the efforts of a thoroughly organized and committed team of professionals and volunteers.

Over 3 million people line the streets, while 50 million watch from the comfort of their homes to witness the big and bold parade of talent, hard work, and creativity in Macy’s yearly Thanksgiving Parade.

What Makes them Work?

Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade is an excellent case of successful marketing. The first event was such a hit that the parade continued annually. Everything started in 1924, when a group of Macy’s employees organized the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, which featured various characters, including animals from the Central Park Zoo. But despite the hype that surrounds the parade, it’s not all about business.

A supportive community and a team of professionals and volunteers have been working on the parade for it to reach its legacy of nearly a century. It’s amazing how such a simple concept like a parade can go on for many years and still showcase the best collaborations of art and engineering. For many of these people, the parade is no longer just a parade, but a beloved tradition to celebrate friendships and rekindle family ties.

This means teamwork is crucial in making things happen and to keep them going smoothly. According to Jon Piper, a designer for the event for 35 years, they never stop working on the parade, “This is the 89th, but we’re already working on 90th, doing a little research to 100th.” Everyone looks forward to the parade every year so great care is given to make sure that everyone can have an enjoyable and fun experience.

A Holiday Tradition

Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade draws the community closer together through fun and creativity. This has been the core of the very first parade, which has now grown bigger and better over the years. Eventually, it attracted more attention by featuring iconic mascots in larger than life sizes.

The people behind the scenes make everything happen. It’s thanks to them that people can enjoy Thanksgiving with their families. Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade is an example of great marketing that far exceeded its original purpose and is now embraced within the American tradition. We can’t wait for the next!

Still in a Thanksgiving mood? Let’s take a look back at one of the biggest events this past month.

Check out and share our infographic about parades and presentations!


“2015 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.” Accessed November 10, 2015.
Duddridge, Natalie. “Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloons Get Test Run in Citi Field Parking Lot.” TWC News. November 10, 2015. Accessed November 10, 2015.
“Felix History.” Felix History. Accessed November 10, 2015.
Grippo, Robert M., and Christopher Hoskins. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 2004.

Rock the Presentation Floor in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! [Infographic]

Love to take in information by looking at compelling visuals? Just scroll down all the way to the bottom for an infographic version of this post!

Do you have a presentation to make, but don’t know how exactly you should get started?

Here’s an easy solution to your problem:

Take a break, listen to the radio, and start counting in your head.

You might be thinking: wait a minute. What do numbers have to do with crafting a winning pitch?

If you know how to count all the elements that make up a great presentation, you’ll survive having to craft one – almost as if you were learning the steps to a new dance.

First, identify your central theme. Everything you do – your style, your content, your design, your delivery – will depend on this.

Once you’ve decided on your theme, move on to the second step. Map out good combinations to juggle, that is, what are some great comparisons and contrasts you can take advantage of to make your point clearer?

Then, focus on three important parts of your pitch: the beginning, the middle, and the end. Make these sections flow in a way that make sense, but don’t forget to make them memorable so that you get your audience’s full attention.

Anticipation is the fourth helpful step, where you use some forethought. Think ahead – what can happen after the presentation? List down every possible event that might happen in order to look and sound prepared.

Finally, wrap up your speech in the last five minutes. Don’t end it without having completed your story or message. There are many ways to end your presentation with impact – it’s up to you to decide what final thought you want to leave your audience with.

Numbers are great problem solvers. Work from the basics to come up with a great formula and solve the equation of masterful pitches that seal the deal.

Learn how to rock the presentation floor with this infographic from the presentation experts here at SlideGenius.

Share this infographic!

Preparation: Your Weapon to a Clear Presentation Flow

It doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of a business presentation or a zombie apocalypse.

You won’t survive by going in unarmed and unready.

Preparation is key to ensuring your survival.

A measured approach smoothens and improves presentation flow.

This makes you a more effective and engaging speaker.

Learn how to survive with this infographic presentation made by our expert writers and designers here at

Does Keynote Have the Keys to Overpower PowerPoint? [Infographic]

PowerPoint gets a lot of hate because of all the slides that have accompanied boring lectures and business pitches. Mac users propose a solution to all your presentation problems in the form of Apple’s very own Keynote – a similar program which boasts better effects and stronger editing engine.

PowerPoint no doubt holds the seniority between the two, but as a relatively fresh contender, Apple Keynote’s release in 2003 has already marked it as notable competition. Compared to its predecessor, Keynote arguably has an engine better suited for graphics editing. Its fine-tuned tools are more organized and impressive. It also has more visually appealing slide templates. But because it’s been around longer, PowerPoint’s already undergone all the trial and error of a presentation tool.

Despite its cluttered interface, PowerPoint decks are compatible in both Mac and Microsoft, giving it extra points in terms of convenience. It handles text-heavy presentations better than Mac, too — although whether that’s a strength or a weakness is up to the user to decide. Mac’s graphics-friendly interface may be more suitable for visuals-heavy presentations, but PowerPoint can accommodate all types of presentations for all types of presenters.

The points raised in defense of each are valid, but these programs are undeniably still evolving. Both hold their own strengths and weaknesses, and still have plenty of room for improvement. This could get confusing pretty soon, so we created a short infographic to compare these two programs’ strengths and weaknesses.

Who will come out on top as the champion of presentation design software?

Take a look and see:

Public Speaking Anxiety: Facts, Stats, and Methods to Beat It

If you’re suffering from glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. An estimated 75% of the world population suffers from some degree of public speaking anxiety.

Don’t worry. Public speaking anxiety doesn’t have to hold back your career.

Most people cope with their anxiety through avoidance. But since public speaking and presentations are important in most work environments, this isn’t a viable option. Your career might require you to step up to the podium, and it doesn’t have to become the dreaded scenario you’ve imagined.

Deal with the symptoms

Public speaking anxiety manifests itself through different physical symptoms, some of which are listed below:

  • breathlessness
  • fast heart rate
  • shaking or trembling
  • cold sweat

These are caused by your body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. Calm your body down through some relaxation methods.

The easiest thing you can do is to take slow, deep breaths until you feel your heart rate slow down.

Prepare as much as you can

With your “fight or flight” response triggered, you’re sure to encounter problems concentrating. When you feel your mind has gone blank, you’re more likely to stammer thoughtlessly through your presentation.

Most people identify this as the main cause of their public speaking anxiety. Prepare for your upcoming presentation as much as you can to avoid being swept away by your nervousness.

Your preparations should include creating a script and memorizing its general structure. Don’t write down everything you want to say and memorize it word for word. Your delivery might become stiff and lifeless. Worse, you might forget what comes next.

Practice your speech consistently. Do it in front of a mirror until it feels like second nature. If you can, gather a small group of people you trust and have them sit through your rehearsal. Ask them for any pointers or advice for improvement.

Maintain a positive outlook

Focusing on negative thoughts can make your public speaking anxiety worse. It’ll be hard to completely eradicate your concerns, but try to frame them into a more positive outlook.

Identify your concerns and listen to the negative thoughts that feed them. Ask yourself why you might feel this way, and give yourself some positive reinforcement.

For example: You’re anxious that the audience will be dismissive of your presentation and judge your authority or knowledge on the topic at hand.

Instead of questioning your ability to deliver, remind yourself of the research and preparation that went into your presentation. If they bring up anything you’ve missed, don’t take it as a personal attack but a helpful criticism you can use to improve your work.

The Takeaway: Acknowledge your fear

People with public speaking anxiety often fight to hide their fears from their audience. This will only aggravate your nervousness by giving you one more thing to worry about.

As the statistics in the infographic suggests, your public speaking anxiety is perfectly normal. It’s even likely that someone from the audience has the same fears that you do.

Once you’ve smoothened out the edges, having a well-designed PowerPoint presentation should match your winning pitch. But most importantly, it’ll help you connect with your audience better.

Despite your anxiety, remember that you’re not just addressing an auditorium of faceless people. You’re speaking to people with their own ideas on what they find interesting. If your audience is engaged and at ease, you’ll be able to relax and move forward with your presentation.



GlossophobiaAccessed June 11, 2014.
10 Relaxation Techniques That Zap Stress Fast.” WebMD. Accessed June 11, 2014.
