3 Ways Creative Connections Benefit PowerPoint Presentations

creative connections

effective presentations

innovation in PowerPoint

presentation tips

Rick Enrico


The key to creative thinking is intrinsically searching for novel ideas that can still be understood with minimal explanation. This is achieved by making unlikely connections between seemingly unrelated objects or concepts. PowerPoint is a powerful tool that can benefit from a spark of creativity and make for effective and memorable presentations.

Today, we’ll discuss how sprinkling some creativity into your slide deck can give you an edge over your competitors. First, let’s go deeper into what creativity does, and how it can help your next pitch succeed:

Connecting the Obscure

Creativity allows you to see connections you wouldn’t normally make. It’s common to chalk creativity up as something only some people are born with. This makes people conclude that this job should solely be for creative types. Worse, they might think that creativity is unnecessary since they’ll be presenting to fellow non-creative types.

However, it’s an important skill that makes a complex message easier to understand and harder to forget. You can even use a defined set of constant rules to have a distinct brand. A creative presentation — that is, one involving narratives and metaphors to break up the hard data — can trigger the audience’s right brain, putting them at ease and lowering their skepticism towards marketing campaigns.

Get Through the Noise

Grabbing people’s attentions can be difficult in a saturated market. But how do some businesses break out while others don’t? If you aren’t selling the same thing as someone else, then you might be selling it on the same platform.

The thing is, attention is like money – finite and valuable. That’s why you want to look and sound different from everyone else.

This is where creativity comes to the rescue. Scientists have long known that novelty promotes memory retention. It gives creativity an even bigger role to play in not only increasing the chances you’ll be seen and heard, but also the likelihood you’ll be remembered and contacted.

Creative Application

These unorthodox connections can be applied visually, textually, or verbally to better distinguish yourself from your competitors.

A fresh take on your slide design gives your PowerPoint presentations a unique look. With proper transitions and reasonable animations, you can use your visuals to complement your message. You can use these creative connections to come up with jokes, or relate your message with the help of metaphors or other idioms.

You can also find a parallel story or anecdote to give your speech a more emotional impact. Don’t get too caught up in attempting to push creativity. Forcing connections might disengage or worse, veer away from your company’s branding or your core message.



Fenker, Daniela and Hartmut Schütze. “Learning By Surprise.” Scientific American, December 17, 2008. Accessed May 25, 2015.
How to Use the Persuasive Power of Metaphors.” Enchanting Marketing. 2013. Accessed July 28, 2015.
Why Your Presentation Needs to Be These 3 Words.” SlideGenius, Inc. January 05, 2014. Accessed August 05, 2015.

Set Objectives to Make a Focused Marketing Presentation

effective presentations

presentation goals

Rick Enrico



Do you blast information in your marketing presentation right before finishing with a call-to-action or a thank you slide?

Even with a complete slide, you could leave your audience scratching their heads, meaning your deck lacked focus. Practice focusing on your overall message by clearly defining your goals. There are numerous benefits you can gain from this in terms of enhancing your deck and optimizing your pitch. Here are some of them:

Facilitates Communication

Knowing your objectives tells you what you need to do. It affects both your written content and your design choices. Definite goals help you determine what which details are important enough to keep on your deck, and which should be left for explanation through your speech. This avoids confusion and clutter, and leads more space for you to work on your delivery style.

Goals also let you gauge what your approach to delivering your presentation should be. If you want to simply inform a crowd, maybe a more neutral and straightforward tone will do. However, if your goal is to engage and entertain, more humor and personal stories related to your pitch are needed to create an emotional bond between  you and the audience.

Paves the Way for Better Planning

Plan out your deck by specifying what you want to accomplish. This allows for a more streamlined look and design process. Meaningful and specific objectives guide you to make decisions that save time and effort.

In an organization, having a common goal you’re all working towards will create more efficient results. According to Demand Media’s George Root III, teamwork lets you identify effective task delegation to departments most suited to handle them. As an individual, your goal will be the glue that holds the entire structure of your presentation together once you deliver it.

Simplifies Measurement and Evaluation of Results

Spell out your objectives to set a bar for adequately measuring success and failure. An effective set of guiding objectives is measurable, making it easier to determine if your efforts worked. If they failed, they set parameters for improving your future work.


Don’t neglect to determine your objectives early on in your process. It’s a step that doesn’t consume much time and effort, yet offers a lot of benefits down the line.

Setting realistic marketing objectives are a vital part of every marketing presentation. People forget to set objectives because they don’t see the value of it…yet. This is something that’s easy to change, and is hard to forget when you’ve got the hang of it.

If you need a more focused marketing presentation ASAP, our PowerPoint specialists are ready to get you a deck that speaks for your brand and your voice.


How to Sell Convincing Ideas in a Sales Presentation.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 07, 2015. Accessed February 03, 2016.
Root, George. “Importance of Teamwork at Work.” Chron. Accessed July 24, 2015.

Featured Image: “periodismo de profundidad: una segunda lectura de lo” on pixshark

Staying Relevant: The Questions You Need to Ask before a Presentation

audience engagement

business pitch

effective presentations


Rick Enrico


Why should I care? Everyone asks this question before making a decision.

Why should I get myself a new phone?”
Why should I care about this new car fuel?”
Why should I buy a $3 custom hand-crafted coffee instead of an instant mix?”

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According to author Jim Aitchison, these questions are all based on standards that people have built over the course of their lives.

If something they see meets these standards, it becomes relevant to them. This also applies to clients during business presentations: They need to know why they should care about your topic.

As presenters, it falls on you to make your pitch relevant. Relevance allows you to establish why the topic must matter to the people hearing it. If your topic offers no clear benefits or implications, you won’t establish a strong connection with your audience. Without that connection, it becomes harder for the audience to spend time listening to your pitch and buy your idea. Get an idea of your client’s standards to find out how you can

Get an idea of your client’s standards to find out how you can relate to them.

People Want Benefits

Your audience spends time and money to hear you out. Give them something interesting in return. Brand communication expert Carmine Gallo suggests explaining what your pitch means for them will immediately make your topic and presentation more relevant.

They Need To Connect the Dots

Now that you’ve presented what your topic is, tell the audience what they get out of it. Give a concise and exact description of what your idea does (Sullivan, 2008). Visual demonstrations can do more for you than verbal explanations can.

Will your new computer parts allow people to work faster? Will your new earning figures translate to tangible and enjoyable gains for the company? Answering these questions can tell interested parties why they should approve your proposal. Everything relies on your ability to connect the dots and establish how your topics affect the people you present it to.

They Want to Have Fun

When Steve Jobs presented the iPod Nano in 2005, he asked the audience what that smaller right-hand pocket inside your pants was for. Once that left the audience guessing, he pulled the device out of that pocket.

Jobs brought up a seemingly overlooked part of everyday fashion by making it useful and relevant. He presented a simple fun fact about his company’s new device instead of merely describing it verbally for a more memorable performance.

Your clients are ultimately the ones that will either approve or reject your pitch. Getting that approval and investment is the bread and butter of any salesperson.

Presenters must make an effort to make their topics relevant whenever possible. Find out which standards your clients use when making their decisions. Then, fine tune your business presentation’s content.

Convince your clients that their hard-earned money will be well invested and have tangible benefits for everyone involved.

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Adding Visuals to Your Technology PowerPoint.” SlideGenius, Inc. Accessed May 25, 2015.
Aitchison, J. (2004). Cutting Edge Advertising: How to Create the World’s Best Print For Brands in the 21st Century. Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Gallo, C. (2010). The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience. McGraw-Hill.
The Question to Answer for Effective Business Presentations.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 25, 2015. Accessed May 25, 2015.