Overcoming Nerves When Giving a Presentation

Public Speaker

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stage fright

Tips for Public Speakers

Giving a presentation doesn’t always come naturally, especially when standing in front of a crowd isn’t your forte. It’s a skill that takes time to learn and perform just like singing or acting.
As much as you practice, though, one thing can derail you: stage fright. It’s a whole different experience when you’re rehearsing in a confined and controlled environment compared to when standing in front of a crowd.
Fear is inevitable. It is the usual initial feeling people have when they’re aware that something bad can happen. However, most find themselves harboring and being crippled by that possibility for a long time. Ever heard of Murphy’s Law?
You don’t have to experience the same fate. As long as you know how to avoid or fight it—and improve despite of and because of it—you won’t ever have to deal with bothersome stage frights. 

Getting Rid of Presentation Stage Fright in Two Simple Ways | Frighting on stage

Finding a Cure to Presentation Anxiety

Fighting off anxiety can be challenging. You never know when it will come and attack you. When it affects you, you feel weak, not knowing when it will go away. But fear isn’t a physical barrier. In fact, it‘s all in your head. You created it, and you can eliminate it.
Anxiety occurs when you anticipate a bad event. It’s normal to feel anxious when you’re in a stressful situation. And it grows when you keep believing it’s true. The only way to destroy it is by understanding that it’s all in your mind and becoming proactive on it.
Ask yourself the following questions: “What am I being anxious about?” “Where did it come from?” “Is now the time to think about it?” “Will it help me deliver my presentation?” Rationalizing points out the weight of your problem and its urgency. Breaking down your worries and your responsibilities helps you decide how to move along on your work. Instead of entertaining that fear, rehearse your pitch in your head. Your anxiety will be addressed by focusing on the task at hand. Stay on track and don’t let your mind wander off. Mentally pushing the nuisance to the far end of the room will make it leave. 

Getting Rid of Presentation Stage Fright in Two Simple Ways | Relax

Preventing Stage Fright Successfully

There are many reasons why presenters experience anxiety before and during a presentation. Apart from anticipating a faulty performance, procrastination, laziness, and carelessness are the other elements that trigger it. . Sometimes, the reason why you anticipate mistakes is because you know they are consequences of something you did wrong in the past. Maybe there’s a gap in your presentation that you deliberately neglected or maybe you can’t help but think about the practices you should have not missed. These simple yet reoccurring things can make you feel anxious on your big presentation day.
Crafting a great presentation takes much research and preparation. Being able to come up with great research takes a lot of effort and time. And on top of all that hard work, it also takes a lot of practice to make sure you feel ready to present your deck.
When you care to invest that much to prepare your pitch, consequences that make you anxious won’t get in the way. Instead, you gain confidence and feel empowered enough to present your pitch with your head held high. 

Getting Rid of Presentation Stage Fright in Two Simple Ways

Prepare, Present, and Prosper.

There’s no way of telling what’s going to happen next. Why waste time being fearful of outcomes you’re not even sure will happen? If you place fear in the present, you’ll see that it has no business being there. Your presentation should be the only thing on your mind when you walk onstage. The dialogue between you and your audience is your priority. Focus so that nothing can change the way you planned to deliver your pitch.
Remember that prevention is better than cure. Make time to prepare your deck and rehearse your performance. Learn how to present your deck better than the last time. Nobody becomes a public speaking expert overnight. Plan your slides carefully and practice your lines.
Lastly, don’t fear judgement or fill your mind with worry. You have the power to stop self-sabotaging thoughts. 


Bellamy, Wallace J. “Fear… It’s All in Your Head.” DrBellamyDMD.com. July 12, 2016. www.drbellamydmd.com/patient-education/fear-its-all-in-your-head
Esposito, Janet. “Conquering Stage Fright.” Anxiety and Depression Society of America. n.d. www.adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/social-anxiety-disorder/treatment/conquering-stage-fright
Maina, Antony. “16 Ways to Overcome Stage Fright When Speaking in Public.” Small Business Trends. October 6, 2015. www.smallbiztrends.com/2015/10/overcome-stage-fright-speaking-in-public.html
Purtill, Corinne. “Murphy’s Law Is Totally Misunderstood and Is in Fact a Call to Excellence.” Quartz. May 16, 2017. www.qz.com/984181/murphys-law-is-totally-misunderstood-and-is-in-fact-a-call-to-excellence
Reynolds, Garr. “Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery,” 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA: New Riders. 2012.
“Managing Presentation Nerves: Coping with the Fear Within.” Mind Tools. n.d. www.mindtools.com/pages/article/PresentationNerves.htm

Public Speaking Fear: Getting Rid of It in a Jiffy

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public speaking

Public Speaking Fear

Rick Enrico


stage fright

Let’s face it: public speaking is frightening. Even the best speakers experience jitters before they go onstage. They just hide it really, really well—or they’re so used to stage fright that it’s no longer an issue after their warmup exercises.

Audience members pick up on signs of discomfort when you as a speaker have a hard time onstage: excessive sweating, stuttering, shortness of breath, etc. When they do, you become more conscious about what you’re doing, and the anxiety starts to build up. Does that mean you’re not ready? Possibly.

There’s no denying that some people, to no fault of their own, have a hard time dealing with high-stress situations—and you can bet that giving a speech in front of a crowd is stressful. Imagine the scenario: You’re minutes away from being called onstage. Your presentation is ready, perhaps designed by a PowerPoint design agency. The lights focus on your spot. But backstage, butterflies are abuzz in your stomach; your knees are shaking, and your palms are sweaty. You feel a bit lightheaded. Dizzy even.

These are uncontrollable responses to nervousness. While completely natural, especially in the context of public speaking, they’re still something that faze lots of people—80 percent of the US population, in fact. However, there are people easily debilitated by the mere thought of speaking in public. Those who suffer from a specific social anxiety disorder, glossophobia, feel nauseous and are prone to having panic attacks, which is why they try to stay away from doing it as much as possible.

For those who need to speak in public, though, how do you deal with stage fright? The ways to do it vary from person to person since each individual handles stress differently. Check this infographic to learn a few tricks to calm down and nail that speech.



Hagen-Rochester, Susan. “Got Public Speaking Jitters? Experts Say Embrace the Fear.” Futurity. April 8, 2013. www.futurity.org/got-public-speaking-jitters-experts-say-embrace-the-fear

McClafferty, Alex. “12 ‘Fear of Public Speaking’ Symptoms and How to Beat Them.” Forbes. January 12, 2015. www.forbes.com/sites/alexmcclafferty/2015/01/12/fear-of-public-speaking/#b4fe7fd37a0c

Morgan, Nick. “Why We Fear Public Speaking and How to Overcome It.” Forbes. March 30, 2011. www.forbes.com/sites/nickmorgan/2011/03/30/why-we-fear-public-speaking-and-how-to-overcome-it/#4848c54fea43

Jamieson, Jeremy P., Matthew K. Nock, and Wendy Berry Mendes. “Changing the Conceptualization of Stress in Social Anxiety Disorder: Affective and Physiological Consequences.” Clinical Psychological Science. 2013. journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2167702613482119

A Guide to Tackling Stage Fright


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public speaking


stage fright

Public speaking can be intimidating, even for seasoned professionals. Stage fright, or the fear of speaking in front of an audience, affects many presenters. Whether it’s the thought of being judged, making mistakes, or simply standing in front of a crowd, stage fright can interfere with delivering your message effectively. However, with the right approach, you can overcome this anxiety and deliver a powerful presentation. Here’s a comprehensive guide to tackling stage fright and becoming a more confident speaker.

1. Prepare Thoroughly

The foundation of a successful presentation lies in preparation. When you know your material inside out, you’re less likely to stumble or lose your train of thought. Break your content into key points and rehearse them multiple times until you’re comfortable.

  • Organize Your Content: Outline the structure of your presentation clearly, with an engaging introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Practice Out Loud: Rehearsing your speech out loud can help you hear how your ideas flow and allow you to make necessary adjustments. If possible, practice in front of a friend or record yourself.
  • Familiarize Yourself with the Venue: If you have access to the presentation space beforehand, take a walk around the stage and familiarize yourself with the setup.

2. Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you conquer stage fright. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, visualize yourself delivering a confident and engaging presentation. Picture the audience reacting positively, and imagine the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel afterward.

  • Focus on Positive Outcomes: Think about your audience being engaged and applauding your performance. Visualizing success can boost your confidence and reduce nervousness.
  • Adopt a Power Pose: Before going on stage, stand in a confident posture for a few minutes—this is known as a “power pose.” It can trick your brain into feeling more assured and in control.

3. Practice Deep Breathing

When anxiety strikes, your heart rate increases, and your breathing may become shallow. Deep breathing exercises are a quick and effective way to calm your nerves before stepping on stage.

  • Breathe Deeply: Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four, hold for four, and then exhale for another count of four. Repeat this several times until you feel more centered.
  • Relax Your Body: As you breathe, consciously relax your muscles, especially in your shoulders and neck, where tension often accumulates. This will help you feel more grounded and composed.

4. Focus on the Message, Not Yourself

A common source of stage fright is the fear of being judged. Shift your focus away from yourself and place it on the message you’re trying to convey. Remember that the audience is there to gain something valuable from your presentation, not to scrutinize every word or gesture.

  • Shift Attention to the Audience’s Needs: Concentrate on how your presentation benefits the audience. By focusing on their needs rather than your own performance, you can divert your mind from self-consciousness.
  • Engage the Audience: Ask questions, encourage participation, or share stories to make the presentation more interactive. Engaging with the audience helps to build a connection, making the experience less daunting.

5. Start with a Strong Opening

First impressions matter. Starting your presentation confidently can set the tone for the rest of your performance. Craft an opening that grabs attention and gives you a sense of control.

  • Use a Powerful Quote or Statistic: Starting with a compelling quote, statistic, or even a short story can draw in the audience and boost your confidence from the beginning.
  • Make Eye Contact: Engage with the audience by making eye contact with a few friendly faces in the room. This will make the presentation feel more conversational and help calm your nerves.

6. Accept and Embrace Nervousness

It’s important to recognize that nervousness is a natural part of public speaking. Even experienced presenters feel anxiety before a big speech. Rather than trying to eliminate your nerves, work with them.

  • Channel Nervous Energy Positively: A certain level of anxiety can actually heighten your focus and make you more alert. Channel this energy into enthusiasm for your subject.
  • Normalize Your Feelings: Remember, many people in the audience likely experience stage fright themselves, and they will empathize with you.

7. Use Positive Affirmations

The way you talk to yourself matters. Negative thoughts like “I’ll mess up” or “They won’t like my presentation” can intensify anxiety. Replace these thoughts with positive affirmations.

  • Repeat Positive Phrases: Tell yourself things like, “I am well-prepared,” “I can do this,” or “The audience wants to hear what I have to say.” This shift in mindset can significantly reduce stress and build confidence.

8. Learn to Laugh at Mistakes

Mistakes happen to everyone. What matters is how you handle them. Instead of getting flustered, laugh off small errors and move on. Your audience is likely more forgiving than you think.

  • Don’t Dwell on It: If you stumble over a word or lose your train of thought, take a breath, smile, and continue. Chances are the audience won’t even notice.
  • Use Humor: If appropriate, self-deprecating humor can lighten the mood and show the audience that you’re human too.

9. Gather Feedback and Reflect

Once the presentation is over, gather feedback from trusted colleagues or audience members. Use their constructive criticism to improve for future presentations. The more you present, the more comfortable you’ll become.

  • Reflect on Your Successes: Take time to acknowledge what went well in your presentation. Focusing on your strengths will build your confidence for next time.
  • Embrace Continuous Improvement: Feedback is essential for growth. View each presentation as an opportunity to refine your skills and lessen your fear over time.

Final Thoughts

Stage fright may seem overwhelming, but with practice and the right techniques, it can be managed. By focusing on preparation, engaging with the audience, and maintaining a positive mindset, you can overcome anxiety and deliver presentations with confidence. Remember, every great presenter has felt fear at some point—what sets them apart is their ability to face it head-on and continue moving forward. You’ve got this!

What is a PowerPoint Karaoke?

Battle Decks


stage fright

Zentralle Intelligenz Agentur

When we talk about PowerPoint Karaoke, or Battle Decks, we are referring to a new form of Karaoke where people don’t just sing songs. It is based on a PowerPoint presentation, projected on a screen to a group of participants. The images are totally random and it sometimes doesn’t make any sense.

Participants will have to explain what appears on the screen, even if it’s absurd. The objective of this game is not just hanging out, it’s a simple and funny way to improve our rhetorical skills and use it in our own PowerPoint works.  This helps you to avoid the problem of making boring presentations, where people just read what appears on the screen without explaining any ideas or important concepts of what they’re talking about.

It also can be used as an exercise for actors who need to improve their improvisational skills. It also helps you to lose stage fright.

This curious game was presented at a Berlin conference named Zentralle Intelligenz Agentur in 2006, and supposed a total success. Nowadays, it is used in a lot of group dynamics, companies and camps.