With our increasingly digitized lifestyles, technology plays an even bigger role in society.
For businesses, the playing field has moved online. The Internet’s influence on people can greatly improve or ruin a company’s reputation. Beyond traditional marketing tactics like network expansions, the Internet now serves as the main arena where entrepreneurs vie for customers’ attention.
One way to improve your digital marketing strategy is through SEO writing for your company’s website or blog. Sometimes, SEO writing can be tricky, especially if you have lots of competition online. Fortunately, we’ve compiled three tips to improve SEO for your business:
Strategic Keywords
You want to be the first thing people see in a search engine when they look up something related to your brand offer.
More website views mean more people are becoming interested in you.
If you follow up on this interest with frequent correspondence and an effective sales pitch, you can best convert leads into sales.
But how do you come out on top when there are other sites competing for the slot?
Dave Davies, Beanstalk SEO Services CEO, suggests in his article on Search Engine Watch a strategic use of keywords in your entries.
These keywords are the things your potential leads will be typing in the search bar.
They act as the middle ground between your company’s specific services and the customer’s more general concerns.
Be exact with a keyword that will lead a prospect to you, but don’t overdo it.
Instead of individual words, use phrases to qualify your keywords without making it look like blatant marketing.
There’s no fixed formula to coining the right keywords.
Give yourself options before settling into what feels most natural and effective.
Relevant Content
The most important thing in your blog post or website is the content.
You may have all the right keywords, but without solid content to back you up, your post will fall flat.
Keep your writing original and fresh.
Be mindful not to duplicate content. Jayson DeMers, founder of Seattle-based social media marketing firm, Audience Bloom, provides useful tools that help you gauge your article’s originality.
These sites include Copyscape and Copysentry, which analyze your content for you.
If you want to keep yourself on a Google search’s first page, update often and avoid re-posting existing entries.
Besides, frequently updated material that keeps up with people’s changing interests attracts more attention.
You may be able to draw people in at first click, but the trick is to keep them reading. Consider your page’s bounce rate compared to how many online viewers actually interact with your site.
Limit the number of bounces you get by publishing material that’s worth reading to the end.
Consistent Branding
To make your site link-worthy, its content should bear your brand.
Once a viewer goes through your site, they’ll want to know who you are.
Establishing a personal connection with the client is as important outside a pitch as it is during your presentation.
People are more willing to invest in something familiar to them.
Use your posts as a springboard to bring your services to the viewer’s attention.
Introduce your business and foster a link between you and your virtual audience to gain their trust.
However, this doesn’t mean you’re stuck with a limited set of topics that revolve around your services.
Expand to related areas that will broaden your scope while keeping your identity.
It also helps to include links to your references within the text.
This associates you with authority sources, or other credible sites.
Writing with SEO can improve your overall digital marketing strategy.
Choosing strategic keywords and creating unique content showcases your brand and improves your online marketability.
Simply being on top of a search list doesn’t guarantee lead conversion.
But bringing in enough interested people to your page raises your chances.
After the initial contact with your prospect, don’t forget to follow up.
If you play all the right cards, they might even invite you to deliver your sales pitch in person.
“Bounce Rate.” Google Analytics. Accessed November 2, 2015. https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009409?hl=en
Davies, Dave. “How to Find Profitable Keywords For Your Website.” Search Engine Watch. March 29, 2012. Accessed November 2, 2015. http://searchenginewatch.com/sew/how-to/2164520/profitable-keywords-website
Demers, Jayson. “7 Advanced Ways to Improve Your Site’s SEO.” Entrepreneur. September 30, 2014. Accessed November 2, 2015. www.entrepreneur.com/article/237819
Demers, Jayson. “How to Make Sure You’re Not Publishing Duplicate Content.” Audience Bloom. August 14, 2013. Accessed November 2, 2015. www.audiencebloom.com/2013/08/how-to-make-sure-youre-not-publishing-duplicate-content/
Featured Image: “SEO” by NOGRAN s.r.o. on Flickr.com