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3 Reasons You Should Hire a PowerPoint Specialist

The internet has greatly boosted the speed and quality of how people share and develop knowledge. Web culture has spawned a new generation of people with an independent can-do mindset, and presentation design isn’t an exception.

This is exactly why you’ll need experts in the field to give you advice. You can go places with your presentation pitch deck if you have someone that understands your brand’s value, and the best marketing tools that your message needs.

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As an excellent presenter, don’t show up with an amateur presentation that distracts and disengages your audience.

Here are three important reasons to hire a PowerPoint specialist:

They Can Tell Your Story

A lot of companies give their sales associates freedom with their presentation designs, causing them to stray from the story you want your brand to tell. Audiences appreciate presentations that speak in a language consistent with the same story as your brand.

Professional presentation designers provide decks that stay true to your core identity, ensuring that your audience gets the right message, as inconsistency between your visual design and your speech confuse and tune your audience out. If you’re a high-class brand, no one will invest in you if your slides are cluttered and use eye-searing colors. Unity between your brand story and presentation deck effectively complements and conveys your message.

Having trouble narrowing down your company’s narrative? A team of experienced marketing specialists can streamline your brand story to better reflect your core values and your company identity.

They Can Wow Your Audience

A PowerPoint presentation specialist can provide exemplary, eye-catching, and engaging decks. Expect no less from people who do this for a living.

PowerPoint specialists can fulfill all your presentation needs and more. Do you need striking visual design? You deserve it. Do you want your logo animated? They can do that for you. How about a video in your presentation? They can make one from scratch.

A design that complements your purpose gets your message across. Audiences appreciate uniform content, visual elements, and purpose, making them feel like you know exactly what you’re talking about. This increases the chance of converting budding interest into positive action.

They Can Boost Your Confidence

A PowerPoint presentation is merely a visual aid, but don’t underestimate the importance of coming up to bat with a well-designed pitch deck. Stepping into the spotlight is much easier when you can focus on presenting. You free up resources to concentrate on improving your service’s other aspects or preparing as a presenter, instead of worrying about how your template should look or what image will exemplify the concept you’re talking about in one glance.

A professionally designed pitch deck can increase customer trust and engagement, making your job simpler and your goals easier to achieve. With fewer things to worry about, you’ll also have more time and money to improve your actual product or service, creating a positive feedback loop that begins and ends with excellent service.

Effective presentation design involves a lot of preparation. The process involves unifying your brand, your core message, and your specific purpose. If you think your brand warrants only the best, then you need the assistance of true presentation professionals.

Call up one of our PowerPoint specialists, and let’s get you started on that pitch deck that your brand deserves!

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3 Reasons Why You Need a PowerPoint Presentation Specialist.SlideGenius, Inc. August 1, 2013. Accessed May 19, 2015.
3 Additional Perks of Getting a PowerPoint Presentation Specialist.” SlideGenius, Inc. Accessed May 19, 2015.

4 Ways to Gain Self-Esteem Like a Presentation Expert

As a presenter, you must speak confidently no matter how large your audience is. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself.

It not only gives higher levels of confidence, enhanced initiative, but also overall pleasant feelings—all essential for a successful marketing presentation.

If you don’t feel up to the task every time you have a pitch, here are four ways to improve your self-esteem like a presentation expert:

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Engage in Self-Affirmation

You won’t get far if you continuously bring yourself down. Instead, highlight your strengths and recall your positive qualities.

It’s healthy to remind yourself of your successes, big or small. Inevitably, you might self-criticize and blame yourself for past failures. You can’t erase these experiences, but you can learn to handle them positively.

Focus on how much you’ve changed or are willing to change to improve yourself.

Seek Out Nurturing People

Seek out people who make you feel good about yourself. Build on their optimism and ask for their constructive advice for self-improvement. Avoid people who find fault in everything.

Disassociate with people who compare themselves with others. You won’t achieve your best with unfair comparisons. Look for people who support you and appreciate your skills as a better gauge of your worth.

Set Realistic Expectations

Being successful, even with minor tasks, builds self-esteem. Holding yourself to ridiculously high standards only leads to disappointments and lowers your confidence. A project’s failure is not your failure as a person.

Treat these moments as opportunities for further self-improvement.

Even successful people have experienced failure. Look at failures positively and constructively instead of as excuses to never try again.

It’s Okay Not to Be Loved by All

It’s a common error to assume that successful people are universally loved.

It wrongly makes you pander to everyone, when not everyone can possibly like you.

There’s no person in the world who’s loved by everyone. In a large enough group of people, you’ll inevitably meet someone who thinks differently from you or dislikes you. This is perfectly acceptable.

The longer you’ve been struggling, the harder it is to kick the habit. But with enough dedication and patience, it’s perfectly doable.

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Baumeister, R. F., J. D. Campbell, J. I. Krueger, and K. D. Vohs. “Does High Self-Esteem Cause Better Performance, Interpersonal Success, Happiness, or Healthier Lifestyles?Psychological Science in the Public Interest 4, no. 1 (2003): 1-44.
Dig into Your Presentation Audience’s Key Learning Styles.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 8, 2015. Accessed May 18, 2015.

Three Powerful Ways to End Your PowerPoint Presentation

How you end your PowerPoint presentation is as powerful as the first few minutes of your speech.

Calls-to-action let you leave the room on a high note, but as leadership trainer Bruna Martinuzzi suggests, there are other ways to close your discussion with a bang.

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Most presenters end a PowerPoint with a “Questions” slide, adding unnecessary length to your deck. Instead of doing that, consider these to create an effective final statement:

Cite a Quote

Cite a relevant quote that resonates with your key message. Never underestimate a quotation’s ability to positively reinforce your audience. To motivate your listeners, consider specific industries and appropriate personalities when quoting. Turning to quotes that aren’t suited for your pitch might dampen your credibility.

For example, something on marketing efforts can come from a notable business person.

An example of an appropriate statement for such a presentation would be: “‘Word-of-mouth marketing has always been important. Today, it’s more important than ever because of the power of the Internet,’ according to content marketing pioneers, Joe Pulizzi and Newt Barrett.” But a similar quote from actor-turned-politician Arnold Schwarzenegger would sound out-of-place.

Choosing to end on a quote can either move your audience or tune them out, depending on what you use and who you cite.

Use Videos

We can’t deny the power of videos in effectively engaging audiences. They’re ideal for highlighting a reel that demonstrates who you are, what you do, and how you can make their lives easier. This creates a strong connection and immediate impact, especially for viewers who prefer visual data.

A combination of audio and visuals also contribute to better information retention, getting your message across, and wrapping up your pitch in an interactive way. You get to take a break from the discussion’s information-heavy part.

Practice Humility

A touch of humility works well in influencing your audience. It ties back the points you’ve made in your PowerPoint slides while generating sympathy from your audience.

When you make an outstanding claim, contrast it with humility for a good ending.

Your audience’s positive response relies on a dramatic ending statement. Pick a strategy that creates a huge difference in your presentation’s overall impact and success.

Whether it’s citing a quote, using videos, or practicing humility, the choice is all yours.

As presentation design experts, SlideGenius can help you achieve the perfect pitch that leverages your message from beginning to end. Check out our portfolio for some of our recent projects.

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Frank Sinatra: Make Your PowerPoint Presentations Sing.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 12, 2015. Accessed May 18, 2015.
How to Spend the First 3 Minutes of Business Presentations.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 6, 2015. Accessed May 18, 2015.
Martinuzzi, Bruna. “12 Ways To Nail Your Presentation In The Last 30 Seconds.” American Express. Accessed May 18, 2015.

Using Inclusive Words to Connect During Sales Presentation

Apart from creating an effective PowerPoint sales presentation, a powerful way to connect with your audience is to use inclusive words. More than content, visuals, and performance, your listeners want you to show that you care about them.

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According to keynote speaker Kristin Arnold’s book, Boring to Bravo, inclusive pronouns such as “we,” “our,” and “us” create a lasting connection with your audience, making them feel included in your speech. Instead of using “you” and “your,” incorporate inclusive words to indicate that they’re part of your presentation.

Turning “You” into “We”

Help your audience understand that your goal is to connect with them. As public speaking consultant Steven D. Cohen suggests, “You must solve this problem” differs from “We must solve this problem.”

The former indicates that your audience is solely accountable while the latter signifies that both you and your audience are responsible, making them realize that you can work things out together.

It’s All About Them

It’s normal to worry about how you look while performing or how your pitch will compel audiences to purchase your product.

The entire speaking engagement isn’t about you. It’s all about them. They must know if you’re addressing their needs rather than your own. Make them see that you’re not selling at all.

Understanding Their Beliefs and Interests

Before writing your speech, learn your audience’s background and culture. This is why audience analysis is important. Your pitch’s content should be relatable to each group of individuals.

Make your pitch sound more conversational and add a personal touch to capture their attention faster. Telling your own stories helps them relate to what you’re saying, making them more interested in your speech.

Listen and Adjust

To show that you care about your audience’s needs, observe their behavior while delivering your speech.

Since you’re in control of the entire presentation, focus on your audience rather than yourself. If you take

If you take time to listen, you can adjust your technique while speaking, depending on your audience’s reactions. This prevents you from losing their interest and ending your performance ineffectively.

Inclusive words make your presentation more powerful and engaging, connecting you with your audience in a way that keeps them interested and convinces them that you value them more than anyone else.

If you want to learn more about making appealing presentations, SlideGenius can help you out to address this concern.

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4 Types of Audience Members You Need to Present For.” SlideGenius, Inc. 2013. Accessed May 18, 2015.
Arnold, Kristin J. Boring to Bravo: Proven Presentation Techniques to Engage, Involve and Inspire Your Audience to Action. Austin, TX: Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2010.
Cohen, Steven D. “It’s All About the Audience.” University of Balitmore. Accessed May 18, 2015.

Craft Your Corporate Presentations into a Great Story

“People have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don’t have a middle or end anymore. They usually have a beginning that never stops beginning.” – Steven Spielberg

Since stories and narratives make up most of our daily interactions, why not treat your presentation as a story?

For communication coach Nick Morgan, there are several ways to structure your presentation, but if you’ve got a story tell, it’s best to go with the Classic Story structure.

Craft your speech with story patterns that your audience recognizes from novels, books, and movies: with a beginning, middle, and an end.

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Begin with a Hook

Main characters are commonly introduced in the beginning, giving the reader an idea of the world they’re living in and the possible conflict that moves the story forward. This establishes a connection between people and ideas, making a tangible impact on the story’s flow.

“The beginning is the most important part of the work,” Plato said.

It’s impossible to capture your audience’s attention without a strong introduction. Crafting an effective and compelling beginning can hook them to your pitch. Establish a good start that communicates your ideas to leave a dramatic effect on your audience.

Develop the Middle

Screenwriters are great at bringing suspenseful conflicts in stories. Emotions run high in this segment. The midpoint depicts progression from the rising action, causing problems for the main character, leading to either their demise or fall.

In presentations, the middle builds your audience’s interest, strengthening your brand image and highlighting your main idea. State the problem as if introducing a villain, then provide a solution by revealing yourself as the conquering hero.

End with a Call-to-Action

Versatile writers provide varying conclusions: happy, tragic, or unresolved. No matter how the story ends, readers always take away something from it.

Your presentation’s ending must be as alluring as the beginning. Attract your audience, then turn them into possible clients. The best way to end a discussion is by providing a call-to-action. Clearly state what you can offer while assuring that you can meet their needs.


A presentation based on a story structure gives your message a natural kick.

Incorporate the three elements of this story pattern to influence your audience the way writers influence their readers.

If you need presentation ideas with screenwriter twists, then book a meeting with our presentation experts now!

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Morgan, Nick. “5 Quick Ways To Structure A Presentation.” Forbes. February 2, 2011. Accessed May 15, 2015.
Steve Jobs: Use Heroes and Villains in Your Business Presentations.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 8, 2015. Accessed May 15, 2015.

Ad Agency Tricks: Outsell Competitors in Sales Presentations

Advertising is a daily part of our lives. This applies to presenters and their PowerPoint decks. During sales presentations, you’ll compete against at least three other teams, each with their own pitch.

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How do a selected few make their voices heard from the chorus of companies selling their products?

Simple, they offer what their competition doesn’t.

How It Works: Look to Yourself and Your Competition

According to ad veteran Luke Sullivan, to know the competition, look at what your company offers and compare it with the competition. Take some advice from Jim Aitchinson’s Cutting Edge Advertising: Are you currently running second like Avis? Are you as innovative as Nike Shox? Or are you looking to shock people like XO Beer?

Is your pitch strong enough to challenge the competition, or do you want to highlight your strengths? After answering these questions, you can start building on your sales presentation’s main idea.

Describing Your Products & Services

Simplifying your offer is a presentation technique that defines exactly what you want to show. Brands contribute to advertising clutter. Clients go through the same thing, sitting through pitch after pitch. Strip your idea down into one core message. Don’t read from your slides and drone on it—go straight to your proposal.

Build up the moment before revealing it, or pose a challenge to your clients. This makes your message stick in your clients’ minds longer.

The Reality Distortion Field

Once you’ve hooked clients with your pitch, support their curiosity with facts.

Use what brand communications expert Carmine Gallo calls the “reality distortion field,” which is to convince anyone of practically anything. Propose a challenge to highlight your strengths as with the Nike Shox TV ad, or doing an unconventional but effective stunt like XO Beer.

You can also present an opportunity to change, like when Steve Jobs asked John Sculley, the then-president of PepsiCo, to join Apple in 1983.

Challenge the Status Quo

Aitchison describes a sales pitch as a chance to dismantle the current status quo and establish something new. This applies not just to your clients but also to your competition.

After defining what your company offers, your pitch will soon be built around what it does, what it can offer, and what you do differently from others.

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2000 Vince Carter Nike SHOX Commercial/Jumping Over Gary Payton. YouTube. Accessed May 15, 2015.
Aitchison, Jim. Cutting Edge Advertising: How to Create the World’s Best Print for Brands in the 21st Century. Singapore; New York: Prentice Hall, 2004.
Gallo, Carmine. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010
Reduce and Simplify Like a PowerPoint Professional.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 25, 2015. Accessed May 15, 2015.
Sullivan, Luke. Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Great Ads (3rd Ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
XO Beer. Neil French. Accessed May 15, 2015.

Using Neutral Facial Expressions in Professional Presentations

Did you know that the old maxim, your face speaks a thousand words, applies in the context of professional presentations? Your facial expression plays a vital role in boosting your credibility, and in connecting with your audience.

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To become a professional presenter, use your facial expressions to your advantage, but this doesn’t mean you can just arch your eyebrows, frown, smile, or grimace. Sometimes, maintaining a neutral facial expression works best.

Sometimes, maintaining a neutral facial expression works best.

Keeping a straight face

A neutral face is a blank expression that implies a lack of perceptible emotion. Most of the time an emotionless face is defined by straight-lined mouths, unfocused eyes, and slack cheeks.

Though it communicates negativity to some, others see it as a reflection of calmness.

It’s the simplest way to detach yourself emotionally from the situation, making you deliver a more effective and professional presentation.

How this can work for you

A neutral expression may work when giving audiences an unbiased take on varying concerns and opinions. It’s ideal for expressing both disinterest and interest in the topic, while absorbing or listening to the idea being presented.

Doing this not only reflects your professionalism, but it also displays your respect towards them.

When this expression is most appropriate

All the other facial expressions openly display a person’s emotions, while the neutral face hides and balances your composure during stressful situations.

According to speech trainer Kathy Reiffenstein, some appropriate situations for the neutral face include:

Confrontational or Argumentative Discussions

As a presenter, you should have the innate skill of maintaining a steady facial expression, especially during difficult talks and arguments.

When you’re at the peak of your emotions, there’s a tendency to become less aware of your words and actions. That’s why neutrality must be applied to show people that you treat your work seriously and professionally.

Irrelevant Answers

When someone answers incorrectly, showing a neutral expression won’t embarrass them. Nobody would want a getting a laugh or a frown as a response.

Avoid making disrespectful expressions after hearing an erroneous reply. Instead, treat your audience with care and politeness by providing the correct answer and thanking them for responding.

Expressing Opposing Views

You’re also required to remain neutral when faced with opposing viewpoints. You have to weigh the strong and weak points of different views, without jumping to conclusions and expressing negative reactions.

This motivates your audience to share different perspectives and ideas. Otherwise, varying facial expressions dissuade them from sharing their point of views.

Disruptive Audience Members

Dealing with a difficult audience is a common challenge for every presenter. There’ll always be someone who likes to cause trouble or hear themselves talk.

In cases like this, maintaining a neutral face helps you keep your cool. It communicates your sense of maturity and persistence in handling a disrespectful audience.

Every presenter’s goal is to deliver successful and professional presentations. Though expressing yourself is important, an understated approach is more appropriate in certain situations.

Apply a neutral face during your presentation to convey your message without sounding or looking biased.

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Be a Presentation Virtuoso with Deliberate Practice.” SlideGenius, Inc. February 26, 2015. Accessed May 6, 2015.
Reiffenstein, Kathy. “3 Places To Use A Neutral Face In Your Presentations.” And Now Presenting. January 30, 2015. Accessed May 6, 2015.

Use Two Types of Charts for Business Presentations

Explaining how your company is organized and how you do business is tedious because there’s a lot on the list.

Keep them engaged by organizing ideas into easy-to-follow flowcharts and diagrams. These are more visual in nature, holding their interest long enough for you to get your point across.

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Supplementing your business presentation with visuals is the key to simplifying an otherwise long and boring topic.

In this article, we cover the benefits of organizing your ideas into charts and diagrams to make your business presentation easier to understand.

The Organizational Chart

An organizational chart is used to explain relationships between members of a group.

However, don’t just list down respective teams’ leaders to explain to your company’s organizational structure. Use this chart to show direct and indirect relationships between staff, managers, and executives.

With the organizational chart, information is displayed in a top-to-bottom format, usually with the CEO at the top. The chart branches out to show all the other people below the organization’s head. This gives everyone a clear picture of who reports to whom and who is responsible for what.

business presentation chart
Image Source:

The catch is that organizational charts explain structure but not how a company operates. If you want to explain the how in your company operations, use flowcharts.

The Flowchart

Compared to an organizational chart, the flowchart can be linear, and sometimes circular in form.

It’s best for explaining processes, especially during business presentations. The flowchart builds a clear picture of where something begins, what happens in between and where it ends.

Start with your process’s beginning. When an order comes in, what step follows next? Is there a step where the request is evaluated?

Lay out your steps sequentially, then add if-and-then statements if something goes wrong with that step.

The more complicated a process is, the harder it is to illustrate with a flowchart. Stick to the basics and keep your illustrations simple.

business presentation
Image source:

These two charts are the most common ways to explain how a business is organized and how it operates.

Microsoft Office applications can easily render these charts which are often used for internal company orientations and business-to-business pitches. These conveniently illustrate structures and processes instead of talking about them with a wall of text.

Each chart has strengths and weaknesses, but you can rely on any of these types to simplify text-heavy explanations by visualizing the information.

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Types of GraphsAccessed May 14, 2015.
The Art of Graphs and Charts.” SlideGenius, Inc. April 21, 2014. Accessed May 14, 2015.

3 Overused Verbal Tricks That Harm Business Presentations

It’s challenging to plan for business presentations. You need to sound credible while still sounding persuasive and approachable. You must adapt to effectively communicate with your diverse audience.

In our desire to find a middle ground for these opposing needs, we commit mistakes that do more harm than good for our presentations. Whenever you mean business, omit the following words or phrases from your pitches:

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Impenetrable Jargon

Jargon are words or phrases that only make sense to certain people. Though these can make you sound like an expert in your field, audiences who aren’t as familiar with your terms might not understand you.

For example, not everyone might know what the acronym WYSIWYG stands for. Only a few may know that it means: “What you see is what you get.”

According to MySay’s Max Mallet, Brett Nelson, and Christ Steiner, jargon masks real meaning. Using industry-specific terms doesn’t automatically exude competence. Use only the simplest words to clearly convey your message.

Unbearable Clichés

People copy whatever works, which results in clichés.

These tired metaphors are lazy and distracting.

For example: “At the end of the day, we go the extra mile to give you our 110% because we think out of the box as proven by of our track record for success.” might sound overloaded and overused.

Clichés sound inappropriate and insincere. Instead of stalling with these filler terms, get straight to the point and say what you mean. But that doesn’t mean your presentation has to be plain. Spice up your pitch in other ways, like inserting a good anecdote or a personal story that’s related to your topic.

Overbearing Verbiage

Never underestimate the value of keeping things simple. Big and intimidating words don’t automatically make you sound important and clever.

They actually show that you’re compensating for incomplete data. Worse, you might look arrogant and pretentious, causing audiences to promptly tune out.

A few of these terms include “Recycled human refuse”, which is simply “garbage”, and “performance-based compensation package” which are just “bonuses.”

Focus on expounding on what matters in your pitch instead, and make sure to explain it in terms that you understand enough to talk about. Chances are if you’re not sure about what you’re saying, your audience won’t get it either.

Your goal is always to effectively communicate with your audience. You can’t achieve this by using clichés and jargon, which only obscure your meaning rather than clarify it.

Watch out for these common mistakes and constantly practice to wean them out of your personal language.

End these habits before they become a major hindrance to your presentations.

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Presentation Success: The Top Ten Clichés to Avoid.” Presentation Magazine. Accessed May 13, 2015.
Mallet, Max. Brett Nelson, and Chris Steiner. “The Most Annoying, Pretentious And Useless Business Jargon.” Forbes. January 26, 2012. Accessed  May 13, 2015.
Why Simplicity Wins When It Comes to PowerPoint Slides.” SlideGenius, Inc. January 07, 2015. Accessed May 13, 2015.

Frank Sinatra: Make Your PowerPoint Presentations Sing

You don’t have to be a singer to make your PowerPoint presentations sing. Just hone your public speaking skills to go with your deck, and you’re set for a winning performance. Emulating famous artists can teach you how to better influence people.

In one of his articles, public speaking guru Garr Reynolds cites Frank Sinatra, one of the greatest entertainers of the twentieth century, as an example of somebody we can learn from for pitching techniques.

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When asked in The Playboy Interview: Music Men what his secret towards successful performances was, Sinatra says, “I think it’s because I get an audience involved, personally involved in a song—because I’m involved myself.” Sinatra believed that getting an audience requires reaching out with total honesty, humility, and adaptability to changes, and he put it into action in his performances.

Let’s dig more into these virtues and how you can use them to enhance your sales pitch.

Present with Genuine Honesty

According to Reynolds, Sinatra’s authenticity attributed his success to the music industry.

Frank Sinatra’s simpatico image is his key for developing rapport with his listeners. When he performs, he sings with his heart—his emotions genuinely reflecting the song’s meaning.

We can’t build relationships without honesty. As a speaker, establish credibility to capture your audience’s attention. A truthful and authentic presentation approach moves your audience and lets them savor your message’s every nuance.

Deliver with Unassuming Humility

It’s important to depict confidence while presenting, but humility also goes a long way. This doesn’t require you to sound clever. It only takes a few humble acts to suggest maturity and professionalism.

In Frank Sinatra’s case, he kept himself collected and confident without going overboard. In his live performances, he used simple movements and natural body language to amuse his audience. Notice his cool reactions when his friends tried to mock him offstage. Now that’s humility.

Body language exudes confidence and project an image that your audience can relate to.

Adapt to Changing Times

Another factor that made Sinatra a remarkable artist was his ability to successfully adapt his music to changing times.

Despite the post-war changes brought by World War I and World War II, he was able to create music that remained relevant to the times. He even changed his singing style to keep up with the changing world of music.

This same principle applies in today’s business, specifically when it comes to giving presentations. You have to adapt to technological advancements and newest trends to satisfy your audience’s needs. Since majority of people now are visual learners, giving them eye-catching visuals like infographics and videos is a great way to make information more digestible.

If you need a model for getting involved with your audience, look no further.

Let Frank Sinatra’s authentically honest and humble performance skills guide you while you craft your PowerPoint presentation and deck.

Involving yourself and your audience with your speech is a good start to building trust. Express yourself with authenticity and honesty to establish an emotional and intellectual rapport. Maintain humility and keep confidence in perspective to constantly impress people. Keep up with the world’s many changes to make your content fit your audience.

Follow these tips and you’re sure to get presentations that’ll have your audience singing praises.

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Communication lessons from Frank Sinatra, 1963.” Presentation Zen. October 2, 2014. Accessed May 8, 2015.
Enrico, Rick. “Go Visual: Use Infographics to Give Your Business Pitch Maximum Impact.” Piktochart Infographics. October 1, 2015. Accessed May 8, 2015.
Longform Reprints: Playboy Interview: Frank Sinatra by Joe Hyams.” Longform. Accessed May 8, 2015.
Sinatra Live You Make Me Feel So YoungYouTube. Accessed May 8, 2015.

Featured Image: “The Frank Sinatra Show” from Wikipedia
