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Three Powerful Ways to End Your PowerPoint Presentation

How you end your PowerPoint presentation is as powerful as the first few minutes of your speech.

Calls-to-action let you leave the room on a high note, but as leadership trainer Bruna Martinuzzi suggests, there are other ways to close your discussion with a bang.

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Most presenters end a PowerPoint with a “Questions” slide, adding unnecessary length to your deck. Instead of doing that, consider these to create an effective final statement:

Cite a Quote

Cite a relevant quote that resonates with your key message. Never underestimate a quotation’s ability to positively reinforce your audience. To motivate your listeners, consider specific industries and appropriate personalities when quoting. Turning to quotes that aren’t suited for your pitch might dampen your credibility.

For example, something on marketing efforts can come from a notable business person.

An example of an appropriate statement for such a presentation would be: “‘Word-of-mouth marketing has always been important. Today, it’s more important than ever because of the power of the Internet,’ according to content marketing pioneers, Joe Pulizzi and Newt Barrett.” But a similar quote from actor-turned-politician Arnold Schwarzenegger would sound out-of-place.

Choosing to end on a quote can either move your audience or tune them out, depending on what you use and who you cite.

Use Videos

We can’t deny the power of videos in effectively engaging audiences. They’re ideal for highlighting a reel that demonstrates who you are, what you do, and how you can make their lives easier. This creates a strong connection and immediate impact, especially for viewers who prefer visual data.

A combination of audio and visuals also contribute to better information retention, getting your message across, and wrapping up your pitch in an interactive way. You get to take a break from the discussion’s information-heavy part.

Practice Humility

A touch of humility works well in influencing your audience. It ties back the points you’ve made in your PowerPoint slides while generating sympathy from your audience.

When you make an outstanding claim, contrast it with humility for a good ending.

Your audience’s positive response relies on a dramatic ending statement. Pick a strategy that creates a huge difference in your presentation’s overall impact and success.

Whether it’s citing a quote, using videos, or practicing humility, the choice is all yours.

As presentation design experts, SlideGenius can help you achieve the perfect pitch that leverages your message from beginning to end. Check out our portfolio for some of our recent projects.

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Frank Sinatra: Make Your PowerPoint Presentations Sing.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 12, 2015. Accessed May 18, 2015.
How to Spend the First 3 Minutes of Business Presentations.” SlideGenius, Inc. May 6, 2015. Accessed May 18, 2015.
Martinuzzi, Bruna. “12 Ways To Nail Your Presentation In The Last 30 Seconds.” American Express. Accessed May 18, 2015.
