Slidegenius, Inc.
A book titled

Free eBook: Mastering Data Visualization for Presentations

When it comes to audience engagement and information retention, proper data visualization is essential.

But did you know that whether for marketing or corporate communications, presentations are no different—and data visualization is one of the most important ways to inspire that audience engagement.

Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most overlooked.

Done correctly, it’s more impactful than words and standalone numbers, and more meaningful than graphics and images alone. Ready to dive in?

Help your audiences digest data with visualization that’s on point.

How the data in your presentation is visualized could mean
the difference between your audience understanding your key
message or not. This guide will help you consider the intangibles
and measure them against the purpose of imagery to get a real
understanding of what effective presentation data visualization
looks like. It explores:

1 The contextual presentation of data

2 Using data to tell a story

3 Reinforcing authority through data

4 Perfecting visualization

5 Taking a macro-to-micro approach

Get Your Free eBook Now

Start mastering data visualization
for your presentations!