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Why You Should Improve Your PowerPoint with Animation

August 15, 2016 / Blog animation, PowerPoint animation, PowerPoint Morph, powerpoint presentation, Rick Enrico, SlideGenius

Seven black pencils with sharp tips are arranged diagonally on a wooden surface. The pencils cast long shadows, creating an interesting play of light and darkness across the wood grain. This composition emphasizes the angles and lines of the pencils and their shadows, perfect for a PowerPoint presentation.

Last November, Microsoft released two of its newest PowerPoint features for 2016– Designer and Morph.

While Designer smartly matches an appropriate layout for your content, Morph is a handy tool in creating basic animation. This feature improves on the animation process with a more user-friendly approach.

It removes the hassle of previous animation options including key frame, motion path, and flash once, which deterred presenters from animating their deck.

To use Morph, click Transitions, then Effect Options. You can choose to animate either objects, words, or characters.

It sounds like a good improvement in terms of visuals, but it’s more than just an added aesthetic to your deck.

Here’s why you should improve your PowerPoint with animation:

Transition with Ease

It seems like the future of presentations is headed towards increased accessibility, particularly with the help of digital media and the Internet.

With more ways to upload your deck online, and share it to a wider audience, your deck will sometimes need to stand on its own. Latest innovations in the program like hyperlinks, voice narration, as well as automatic and manual timings made it possible to pitch self-presenting PowerPoints to anyone at any time.

If you want to create your own stand-alone slides, animation serves as an effective transition tool without needing to switch between slides.

For PowerPoint Morph users, simply move your selected images or text in a certain path after you select the Morph button, similar to creating a work path.

Once you apply Morph to the objects on your deck, they’ll move on their own without needing a prompt.

Gain Positive Attention

It’s already established that 65% of people are visual learners, according to Prime Infographics.

Using graphics is a more effective method of reaching out to them than simply relating hard facts with too much text and numbers.

That said, why not engage the visual learners in your audience further by animating your images? Add some spice to your slides by animating them. But don’t let your deck look dated and unappealing with static and overused clipart.

The fluid movement of the animated objects on your slide can keep your audience’s attention as you expound on your key points.

Tell Your Story

One of the most effective ways to appeal to people is through their emotions. This gets them to see things from your perspective, and eventually sympathize with you.

Tap into their emotions by crafting a story around your pitch that everyone can relate to. You can do this verbally during your actual pitch, or through your deck.

While your PowerPoint serves as a visual aid, it doesn’t have to stay flat all the time. Let your deck tell your story with you. Craft an animated slide with a beginning, middle, and end without needing too many clicks on your part.


The recent development in deck animation lets you explore creative possibilities on your slide.

Use PowerPoint Morph to create stand-alone slides with fluid transitions. Let your visuals interact with your audience by strategically animating slide elements. This will help you not only explain difficult concepts better with visuals, but also tell a good story.

Work together with your visual aid through animation, and let it complement your pitch.

Need a guide for your presentation needs? Contact our SlideGenius experts today for a free quote!



“65% of All People Are Visual Learners.” Prime Infographics. Accessed December 18, 2015.

“PowerPoint “Morph” Brings Animation to Microsoft’s Widely Used Presentation Software.” GeekWire. November 13, 2015. Accessed December 18, 2015.

“Using the Morph Transition in PowerPoint 2016.” Office Blogs. Accessed December 18, 2015.


Featured Image: “Art class” by Pavlina Jane on