We’ve said it before–no two presenters are alike. Because presentations are a form of communication, the way we communicate with the audience will vary due to our personalities. There are certain personalities that prefer to engage with an audience through stories and humor. There are some that prefer a straightforward presentation of facts. Others are more passionate about their presentations, urging the audience to think about the message being shared with them. None of these are necessarily better than the others. When it comes to presentation delivery, what really matters is that you find which style works best for you.
Considering all that, what would be your presentation delivery style? If you are burning with curiosity, this is the million dollar question we’ll try to answer today.
Take this short quiz and find out:
A lot of us assume that public speaking is a talent that comes naturally to those who are good at it. It might be true that some are more inclined to it than others, but the reality is a little bit more nuanced than that. Everyone is capable of becoming effective presenters. Even if you’re an introvert, you can still deliver a great presentation depending on what style fits your personality.
Review the results of your quiz and think about how you can improve the presentations you deliver. What adjustments do you think you should you make?
Whatever presentation delivery style suits you the most, the next step you have to take is to learn how to prepare your presentations accordingly. Start by reading up on the different presentation delivery styles here and find presentations of the same style that you can peg.
“3 Reasons Why Introverts Can Become Presentation Experts.” SlideGenius. August 24, 2015.
“What’s Your Presentation Delivery Style?” SlideGenius. August 6, 2014.
Featured Image: picjumbo.com
Pictures featured in quiz from picjumbo.com, Death to the Stock Photo, and flickr users ruffrootcreative, Garry Knight, kjeik, Gisela Giardino, Mike Fisher