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Present with Presence: Your Christmas Gift to Your Audience

December 21, 2015 / Blog Christmas, Gift giving, holiday, presence, presentation tips, Rick Enrico, SlideGenius

Illustration of a cheerful person holding a pen and paper near a fireplace decorated with stockings and candles. A small Christmas tree sits on the mantle. A snowy scene is visible through the window, and a clock shows the time. The atmosphere is festive and cozy, perfect for finalizing that holiday pitch deck.presentation

Delivering a pitch with no message and purpose is bound to be rejected. After all, you can’t give what you don’t have. Like Christmas, presenting is all about giving. They both involve aligning your ideas with your audience’s needs and wants so that you don’t disappoint them.

Have you already made a list of every Christmas gift you plan to give to your clients? When you do this, consider what they can appreciate the most.

Choosing Your Presents


Some people struggle to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. This happens either because of tight budgets or a lack of awareness about what their recipients want. Planning your Christmas gifts in advance is as crucial as is planning for presentations. You need to create an outline of your presentation ideas along with names of the people in your audience list.

By knowing your audience and their needs, you can get started framing the right content and delivery they’ll truly appreciate. However, giving them presents isn’t enough to make them feel special. You have to go deeper, into what matters most—your presence. While tangible things can bring fun and excitement, intangible things such as being actively there for your audience can help create strong relationships with your clients.

More Than The Presents

exchange gift

Presenting alone isn’t enough to prove you’re worthy of your client’s time and attention. Being present before and after the presentation is what impresses clients and builds long-lasting relationships. You need to be available throughout the entire pitching process, starting from the initial inquiry, continuing through follow-ups, all the way down to after sales inquiries. This involves asking them relevant questions which you can use before presenting your topic, and addressing their concerns after you’ve delivered your pitch.

Also presenting your product offering in a visually-appealing PowerPoint deck increases your chances of being noticed. Although providing them resource materials, freebies, and giveaways may help capture their attention, prioritizing their needs in person or online satisfies them more. Your time, effort, and availability far outweigh these material things, so make your presence really count.

Giving and Receiving

presence christmas gift

An excellent and engaging presentation delivery complements any speaker’s presence. Whether it’s a sales or business presentation, your message should be crafted in a way that fits the situation and their needs. As soon as you finish sharing your gifts of information, this is where you receive a little something in return: your audience’s interest. This is where delivering a call-to-action comes in handy. Provide your website and contact details to encouraging them to take action right at that very moment.

There’s nothing wrong with expecting anything in return. It’s only human. However, you should focus on fulfilling their needs. After all, it’s all about your audience. Responding to their queries and demands keeps them interested and engaged, making them feel valued and appreciated. In this way, you’ll realize that giving is essential to get the best of what your clients can give back. This promotes a win-win situation for you and your clients, giving you higher chances of closing more deals and instilling brand loyalty.

Be Available

exchange gift

You can give without presenting, but you can’t present without giving. More importantly, according to Social Media Explorer‘s Matt Hollowell, consistently making your presence more valuable means you’re delivering more than what’s usually expected. Giving more attention to intangible offerings makes them think that they’re your top priority. You’re not just focused on tangible gains, but more on how your clients can benefit from your offering. Providing a strong call-to-action also gives them the signal that you’re open to any and all inquiries they may have, and can get in touch with you at any time if they have concerns.

All this helps you build long-term relationships with your clients once they put their trust in you. Make them feel that the Holiday spirit lives within you. Remember, your audience wants more of your presence, and less of your presents. Develop a well-designed PowerPoint presentation by letting our team assist you with a free quote!


Hollowell, Matt. “Your Presence Is The Best Present You Can Present.” Social Media Explorer. August 20, 2014. Accessed November 17, 2015.