Slidegenius, Inc.

Business Success in Lockdown with Good Mental Health

May 15, 2020 / Blog Mental Health

The lockdown has been a great challenge for us all. It has created immense feelings of uncertainty, personally as well as professionally.  

As COIVD-19 disrupts the economy, you may wonder if success is even possible. The market feels increasingly frightening. Yet opportunities to succeed and grow have not disappeared. 

Consider this a call to bring your “A-game”, to purse your professional (or personal) dreams. Success often means being the first person to move forward when others step back. That time is now.

Succeeding in Economic Hardship

Take the history of shipping giant, FedEx. During the 1970’s recession, they worked harder and smarter to persevere. The company strived tirelessly to ship packages despite rising oil prices. 

Risking bankruptcy for two years, they burned through $84 million in capital. However, the company’s overnight delivery guarantee kept them afloat. The effort put in by FedEx eventually paid off in full. Invaluable customer goodwill resulted in nearly $40 million in profits by 1980.  

When faced with an insurmountable crisis, hard work and mental fortitude shine through. This opportunity is now yours. What can you do to succeed?

Lockdown Success Secrets

Right now, the things you can’t control seem overwhelming. However, it is not time to give up on your aspirations just yet.

Here are several mental health tips to help you overcome the challenge of being in lockdown.

Mental Health Starts with a Quarantine Ritual  

One of the immediate benefits to working form home is having more flexibility with your time. Hours normally spent on your daily commutes are now freed up for new practices. After all, a healthy mind drives a successful business person.  

The right routine can be beneficial to your business pursuits. Exercise, meditate, read, or even connect more with loved ones. Whatever you decide on, be mindful of integrating it as part of your daily routine.  

Fresh activities you enjoy enrich your overall mental health during lockdown. Isolation can quickly lead to bouts of anxiety. Don’t look at the lockdown as being “stuck” or “trapped inside.” See it as a chance to focus more on yourself and the things that truly bring you joy. Especially if you’ve been feeling like work has been consuming your daily life.

This is your time to balance out the scales.

Lockdown can harm your mental health, but there are steps you can take.

Call Telehealth Operators 

You are not alone in this situation. Online therapy, or telemental health, can help improve lockdown productivity. This practice involves trained mental health professionals providing counselling over the internet using email, video chat or phone. 

Despite social distancing, this enables access to valuable care without leaving your home. These services are essential as we seek to overcome anxiety and pursue our business goals. Professionals have bolstered their efforts to help you navigate your day to day.  

There things we can do on our own to manage mental health. But it always helps to get some additional professional assistance. If you are seriously about turning this crisis into an opportunity, you will need help.

Business Will Continue, Who Will Lead?  

At SlideGenius, we know your struggle. Our start-up began in 2012, in the wake of the Great Recession. Growing into world’s leading design agency hasn’t always been easy. We’ve been met with our fair share of struggles. But we’ve also used our design skills to help people overcome their own.

Fortunately, it’s that perseverance that has helped us to grow. Now it’s your turn to succeed.

The world will continue to need business leaders. This is your chance to move forward while everyone else moves back. A professional design presentation is what will set you apart from everyone else.

Contact us today for to find out how we can help!