Pitches are essential to raising capital for your company. A PowerPoint presentation showcasing your core message helps you create a favorable impression. Forgo bombarding potential investors with endless bullet points and tables of data. Your investment PowerPoint should be quick, unique, and engaging. Most importantly, it should reflect the story you’re trying to sell.
Consider these 4 tips when making an investment PowerPoint:
1. Make a positive impression with the first slide
When potential investors see your PowerPoint flashed on the screen, the first slide should encourage them to say, “This looks interesting.”
The usual first slide contains only the following: company name, logo, and the presenter’s information. This isn’t enough to make a positive first impression. Aside from the given, the first slide should have visuals that reflect the main characteristics of your brand. It should also include something that represents the main concept of your presentation.
2. Short and steady wins the race
The rest of your investment PowerPoint should be brief and concise. Business guru Guy Kawasaki suggests that you limit your entire presentation to only 10 slides. While you shouldn’t take this as a hard-and-fast rule, it’s a great guide to keep in mind.
By limiting yourself to roughly 10 slides, you’ll be mindful to only include the most essential parts of your business plan. According to Kawasaki, these are the ten topics you should cover in your investment PowerPoint:
- Problem
- Your solution
- Business model
- Underlying magic/technology
- Marketing and sales
- Competition
- Team
- Projections and milestones
- Status and timeline
- Summary and call to action
3. Show, don’t tell
Check out our portfolio to see these slides in action.Utilize the technology available to you and incorporate multimedia elements to your investment PowerPoint.
Use pictures, videos, or animations to demonstrate the idea you’re pitching. Your audience will find it engaging. They’ll be able to grasp your concepts better, becoming more likely to put their money behind it.
4. Be passionate and driven about your story
Potential investors won’t believe in what you’re presenting if you’re half-hearted about it yourself. There should be a powerful story at the heart of your investment PowerPoint pitch deck.
And this story is something that you should truly care about. As best-selling author Carmine Gallo said, passion is among the top factors that ultimately influences investment decisions.
Following these steps, your investment PowerPoint pitch deck will definitely give you leverage. But if you still feel unsure, you can consider consulting with us.
Our team of professional PowerPoint experts will ensure that your slides are helping you put the best foot forward with a great PowerPoint design.
Gallo, Carmine. “5 Must-Have Presentation Tips For Pitching To Angel Investors.” Forbes. Accessed June 19, 2014.
“The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint.” Guy Kawasaki. December 30, 2005. Accessed June 19, 2014.