Slidegenius, Inc.

Building the Explainer Video Your Advertising Agency Needs

July 24, 2019 / Blog Advertising, explainer videos, video marketing

A diverse group of five people are gathered around a wooden table, discussing in a bright, modern office with large windows. The text "How to Build the Explainer Video Your Advertising Agency Needs" appears on a red background with a dotted pattern on the left side, resembling an engaging PowerPoint slide design.

Explainer videos are excellent tools for advertising agencies to attract new partnerships. As internet-based channels are becoming the dominant marketing platforms, consumers are eager for original content that engages them directly.

Explainers allow you to influence potential clients by educating them on specialties of your agency in an easy-to-understand format.

At SlideGenius, we’ve collected some of the best minds in writing to aid our clients to tell their story better. When it comes to making explainer videos, we know what it takes to make it a complete success.

Challenges of Advertising

As the trends and habits of consumers are constantly changing, the advertising industry is in constant flux. Agencies around the world all offer creative minds. What makes yours any different? The need to stand out matters more than ever.

Explainer videos are useful in differentiating your agency from the competition. Within your own terms, you showcase how your brand of creativity is unique and makes an impact in today’s market. A well-executed video can be used to sell your services across different industries.

Here are some ideas on how to make an effective explainer video.

Keep Your Explainer Videos Short

The best explainers hit a sweet spot of one to two minutes long. You don’t have to overexplain every single facet about your business. That’s just a recipe for total boredom. Keep your script focused on the essentials. Be mindful of what your audience should remember about your company. It’s crucial in attracting new clients to concisely explain your solutions without making it feel tedious to sit through.

A finely made script enables you to conceptualize meaningful visuals that will complement your message. This fluidity between audio and visuals will keep viewers engaged without overloading them with low-value information. Having content that’s direct helps consumers get up-to-speed on the effective solutions your company provides.

Explanations Should Be Direct

The introductory section of your video is central to connecting with your audience. Make your message clear within the first 30 seconds to hook them into what you offer.

You can start by proposing a thought-provoking problem or question. This helps spark the interest of your audience. Something like “What causes disruptions in advertising these days?” or “How does content go viral?”

Contextualizing your message with a problem engages your audience by stimulating their curiosity. It’s a subtle indication of where your content is going.

This connection you establish early on will be what guides your message throughout the rest of the video. If you don’t catch the interest of your audience early, you risk losing their attention completely.

Emphasize the Expertise of Your Agency

Your customer will come into your video wanting to know what makes your agency special. But don’t expect them to figure that out on their own. Being clear and concise makes it easier for clients to understand how you do work.

The meat of your video should showcase your agency’s expertise. But better than simply listing your services, use explainer videos to illustrate how you’ve helped businesses succeed through your creativity. Clients want to know how they profit from choosing you as their advertising partner.

Keep the language fun. This gives you plenty of creative freedom to create captivating visuals. Avoid using too much industry jargon to keep your message accessible to a wide audience of potential clients.

Tell Them What to Do Next

Close out your video with a tactically written call-to-action. Your CTA will be what changes an interested viewer into a valued partner. Don’t be afraid to brag a bit. Your advertising expertise is something to be proud of. Some clients need an extra push to fully understand how special your agency can be for their business.

A killer explainer video should build awareness for your company. Knowledge is power. The more information you provide your customer, the more power you give them to partner up with your agency. Arresting visuals are sure to grab the attention of your audience, but it’s the script that must invite them in to learn more and take action.

Turn to SlideGenius for Professional Explainer Videos

Are you too busy running your business to make an explainer video? You’re not alone. Countless people have turned to us for exactly this kind of help. Since 2012, we’ve helped over 3,000 clients increase their business with our services.

We create effective presentation materials, from PowerPoints to animated videos, thanks to the help of our design geniuses. We help our clients boost their sales and engagement. Our success is measured by the business developments our clients earn through the materials we create.

We’ve helped thousands of clients succeed in generating bigger business and we can help you, too.

Contact us today!