When it comes down to creating a PowerPoint presentation, most people only scratch the surface of what the program is capable of.
After all, that’s the beauty of it.
PowerPoint is packed with features simple enough for anyone to use when preparing a presentation.
When it comes to showcasing your business, however, using only the basic features can lead to bland slides. Going beyond the surface of PowerPoint will reveal an extensive suite of tools to help make your presentation more effective and visually pleasing.
With the right skills and know-how, you can maximize the full resources of PowerPoint.
Here are three great functions that will help make your next presentation stand out:

Custom Vectors
Templates are among the basic features built into PowerPoint. From the get-go, the program offers a wide range of templates suitable for different purposes. However, PowerPoint has been around long enough that almost anyone can easily recognize if someone is using one of the built-in templates. On paper, it’s great having the option to choose from these templates. But really, these lack the personal flair to make your presentation stand out.
On the other hand, PowerPoint comes equipped with tools that allow you to create your own personal templates and designs. From the way you design text boxes to the graphic elements used throughout the presentation, these vectors will greatly influence how your presentation is internalized by audiences. By virtue of presenting designs that are “custom,” you are showing audiences something that’s visually unique to your brand, making it easier for them to remember your presentation.
Stylized Charts and Tables
A cardinal sin in presentation design that many people still commit is the act of pasting raw data sheets onto their slides. This is wrong for multiple reasons:
- Raw data is difficult to interpret quickly.
- It’s visually unappealing looking at a page of unfiltered text and numbers.
What many people don’t realize is that PowerPoint has direct functionality with Excel. You can simply link an Excel sheet within PowerPoint to generate charts and tables using data from the file. You can edit and stylize these tables to your liking with ease.
Additionally, if you have the time and skills to do so, we recommend designing charts and tables using your own custom vectors. This follows the logic discussed above. Showcasing data using custom vectors will help emphasize key pieces of information, which makes it easier for audiences to absorb and retain your core message.

Slide Animations
It is often debated whether slide animations are necessary for making an impactful presentation. Many believe animations help make presentations be more visually engaging for audiences. While others consider animations to be distracting and overly complicated. However, the answer is not that black or white. Animation is all about balance and purpose.
To the naysayers’ point, many presenters overuse and misuse animations. When used correctly, however, animations can emphasize key points of each slide.
Naturally, movement draws people’s attention. Even the most subtle animations, like fades and lines, can dictate how audiences absorb information. In remote settings, animations can help re-engage the focus of your audience.
When you use its different capabilities cohesively, PowerPoint is among the most powerful tools for expressing messages and narratives. PowerPoint has everything you will ever need to showcase the best points about your business in unique and engaging ways.