Slidegenius, Inc.

Design Services

An image featuring three overlapping slides in a pitch deck highlights Cisco's Corporate Social Responsibility, global IT leadership, and company achievements. The background image showcases a lit-up city skyline at night with the Cisco logo prominently displayed, exemplifying expert slide design.

Presentation Design

Our main goal is to help you make a lasting impression and maximize your business engagement. We offer presentation design services that incorporates everything you need to make an impact that your audience will love.

If you need design expertise that’s beyond your capabilities, you’ve come to the right place. Let us help you tell your story effectively while you focus on bigger things.

We employ a co-creative process, which means we diagnose your specifications and work on what needs to be emphasized, adding elements that will make your business stand out, improving your identity as a brand.

Our Clients

Before & After Examples

Using PowerPoint templates make things easier, but don’t expect these to make a lasting impression on your audience. While some may find it quicker to work with pre-installed designs, having a professionally created presentation is sure to make an impact.

With SlideGenius, we provide you with customized presentation decks that resonate with your identity as a brand. Not only will it add value to your content, but it will also increase conversion ratios, sales volume, and credibility.

Image of a tablet displaying what appears to be an interactive, multiple-panel pitch deck. One visible panel shows a person skateboarding and Pepsi branding with the text
A comparison slide design showcasing Pepsi's old logo (above) and new logo (below). The old logo sits on a plain blue background with the word "PEPSI." The new logo appears on a dynamic blue background with abstract shapes and a person jumping, accompanied by the word "INTRODUCTION.


You could say that Pepsi had undergone a rebranding, as we worked with them to re-introduce the brand with the new logo. Apart from that, instead of using a plain background, we added other elements that seemed suitable for younger audiences, coinciding with the fresh take on the iconic blue, red and white logo.

A "Before" and "After" comparison image: The "Before" shows a dated Coca-Cola company profile slide with a black background and red logo. The "After" showcases an improved PowerPoint slide design featuring a vibrant red background, the Coca-Cola logo, and a silhouette of a person drinking from a bottle.

Coca Cola

Before we worked with Coca-Cola, the brand’s presentation was bland, which isn’t what they’re known for. As the world’s largest beverage company, we wanted to create a deck that resonated with Coca-Cola’s ranking.

Before and after image. On the left, a slide with the title "Star Bucks: A Case Study" and old logo. On the right, a new branded presentation with the updated "Starbucks" logo and tagline "The best coffee for the best YOU". Red arrow points from "before" to "after." Perfect for your pitch deck.


You’ll notice the stark difference between the old and new designs for the brand’s presentation. From using an outdated template to using a photo that highlights the company logo, it surely has come a long way. With us, we provide a presentation makeover that is sure to make an impact. We incorporate the colors, fonts and graphics following your specifications and brand identity.

A comparison image illustrates a "Before" and "After" transformation. The "Before" side includes a photo of a man and the text "General Electric Company." The "After" features a blurred cityscape background with the GE logo, slogan "GE imagination at work," and the text "General Electric Company," ideal for slide design in any pitch deck presentation.

General Electric

Compared to the old design for General Electronic, we wanted to emphasize its reputation of being the “world’s finest Digital Industrial company at present.” We designed it in a way that shows how it transforms the industry through high-quality machines and solutions. Our designers started by introducing the company as the title slide instead of retaining the old design that contained its leader head-on.

A graphic illustrating the redesign of a Microsoft Inc. document, ideal for a presentation. The top half labeled "BEFORE" features a plain document with "Microsoft Inc." text. The bottom half labeled "AFTER" showcases a vibrant slide design with the Microsoft logo and additional text. An arrow points downward from "BEFORE" to "AFTER".


What started out as a bland and bare presentation, our team of designers transformed into a visually engaging deck. The new designs were inspired by the colors and graphical styles synonymous to the brand. By tapping into the imagery Microsoft is globally known for, we helped elevate the visual impact of their presentation materials

Before: A white document titled "Capital One's Statistical Problems" from August 2006. 
After: A redesigned, modern cover featuring "Capital One" with a cityscape and skyscrapers in the background, emphasizing "Credit Risk Management" and "Capital One's Statistical Problems," tailored for a sleek presentation.

Capital One

By utilizing images throughout the presentation’s design, we injected more character into the company’s slides. Our goal was to heavily feature images of people to effectively evoke the professional personality the company sought out to portray to their audience.

An image depicting a "before" and "after" transformation of a Berkshire Hathaway brochure. The "before" version is purple with photos of homes and people. The "after" version features a modern, blue geometric slide design with a cityscape and the Berkshire Hathaway logo, perfect for any pitch deck or presentation.

Berkshire Hathaway

Simple, professional, and straighforward. We wanted the presentation for Berkshire Hathaway Inc. to exude those qualities, which is why we stuck with shades of blue for the entirety of the PowerPoint. Compared to the old design, we made it suitable for conferences and other business-related events.

Image showing a "before" and "after" comparison of the VISA logo. The "before" image displays the old VISA logo in blue and gold. The "after" image depicts the new VISA logo superimposed on a city skyline with a bridge in the foreground, perfect for enhancing your PowerPoint pitch deck or slide design.


From white to a burst of color, it’s hard not to notice the change that Visa’s presentation had undergone. From the background image to the colors and font used, every element came together to resonate with a diverse group of people. Again, we used the company’s colors to ensure recall, allowing people to associate the palette to the brand.

Additional Service Offerings

We’ve helped more than 4,000 customers worldwide, including Oracle, Facebook, J.P. Morgan, and Mastercard to name a few.

With us, not only will we be helping you make a lasting impression, but we also guarantee that this will increase your sales, credibility,
and capital, as well as communicate your message more effectively and maximize your conversion ratio.

A collection of Pepsi promotional materials displayed on a laptop, tablet, and mobile phone. The main theme features vibrant imagery of an athlete in mid-air with the Pepsi logo and slogans like
A laptop, smartphone, and tablet display a Coca-Cola website with the
A collection of digital displays showcasing various Starbucks branding and products. This includes a desktop browser, a smartphone, a laptop, and a brochure. The green Starbucks logo is prominently featured across all platforms, perfectly suited for your next PowerPoint pitch deck.


Rebranding doesn’t happen overnight.

It has a lot of ground to cover–transparency, reachability, rules, and conditions included. If you’re planning to undergo this process, then you’ll need to leverage communication with your team.

With us, we can create a presentation deck that includes and incorporates elements that show your ideas for a fresh start.

Video Services

There’s been a significant change in the digital landscape in the last decade, therefore, also changing the game for content marketing. It is one of the fastest-growing and most in-demand forms of digital marketing. Using videos to promote a company or its products and services is beneficial for brand recall.

At SlideGenius, we design and animate videos that offer a unique visual experience to your audience. Through our services, we engage and entertain through well-timed sequences, clean transitions, and articulate voice-overs. Creating a video is the best way to build your company’s personality. It enables you to establish a connection with your audience, earning their trust and building your credibility.


Live Footage

Logo of SmartBotHub on a blue background with a red play button icon. The text "SmartBotHub" is written in a combination of light blue, red, and orange letters, reminiscent of a polished Pitch Deck Slide Design. The URL "" is displayed below the text.


Live Footage

Logo for Sutherland. The design features the word "Sutherland" in blue, with a red play button icon integrated into the text, and three diagonal lines in red and gray to the left of the text, making it perfect for use in any presentation or pitch deck.


Animated Video

Logo of "CARSTIR" in bold red letters. Below the name, the tagline reads "your automotive buying solutions" in smaller red font. A red play button icon is centered behind the logo text. The light gray background adds a sleek touch, perfect for your presentation or pitch deck slide design.


Corporate Video

A blue background with the McKool Smith logo in white and "TRIAL LAWYERS" written below in smaller text, separated by a yellow horizontal line, creates a sleek slide design. A red play button is superimposed in the center.

Mckool Smith


Logo for Digital Guardian featuring a stylized pair of wings, with one wing in grey tones and the other in various shades of pink. A red play button icon is overlaid on the wings. The text "DIGITAL GUARDIAN" appears below, with "DIGITAL" in grey and "GUARDIAN" in pink—ideal for your next PowerPoint presentation.

Digital Guardian


Logo of "HighTechLending" with a slogan "The New World of Mortgage Banking." The logo features a partial globe on the left and a red play button overlaying the text, perfect for your next pitch deck or PowerPoint slide design.

Hightech Lending

Whiteboard Video

Pepsi brochure web infographic showcasing SlideGenius's private portfolio design expertise

Let’s start a project together

We look forward to taking on your next project.